prj_4859 - MoJ Constructor Services Framework
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Framework (Works)
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- £2B
- Sector
- Published
- 29 Nov 2021
- Delivery
- 01 Dec 2022 to 30 Nov 2027
- Deadline
- 10 Jan 2022 12:00

1 buyer
- Ministry of Justice London
The Ministry of Justice (referred to as the MoJ or 'Authority' throughout), is intending to identify constructors for frameworks based on three anticipated project value bands between £0-30 million. These are referred to as the MoJ Constructor Services Frameworks or "Frameworks". Bespoke frameworks have been prepared for each value band. The MoJ Constructor Services Frameworks have a potential future total combined spend of up to £2.5 billion over a five-year duration, with the possibility of £1 billion of additional spend should the Frameworks across all three value bands be extended for a period of two years. The MoJ Constructor Services Frameworks will be for use across the department and will see contracts awarded to suppliers for the delivery of construction works and related activities. These activities will include, but not be limited to, new build, refurbishment, maintenance and minor works and associated services. Bespoke frameworks have been prepared for each value band. The three Construction Frameworks are referred to as Framework A, Framework B, Framework C. Frameworks A and B are further broken down into four regions. Each region within each value band is being procured through a different Lot and therefore subject to a separate competition. However, to ease the burden on Bidders bidding for multiple regions within a single value band (Framework) there are specific rules regarding completion of the procurement documents. Please refer to the procurement documents for further information. Framework C will establish a single national framework and is therefore covered by a single Lot. Framework A - Four (4) Lots (Regions) for the Constructor Services for projects with an anticipated individual value up to £5m. Anticipated total value of this Framework over five (5) years is expected to be £1.116bn. Lots 1 - 4 seek to appoint Constructors to Framework A. Framework B - Four (4) Lots (Regions) for the Constructor Services for projects with an individual anticipated value between £5,000,001 and £10m. Anticipated total value of this Framework over five (5) years is expected to be £0.751bn. Lots 5 -8 seek to appoint Constructors to Framework B. Framework C - One (1) national Lot (Region) for the Constructor Services for projects with an individual anticipated value between £10,000,001 and £30m. Anticipated total value of this lot over five (5) years is expected to be £0.625bn. Lot 9 seeks to appoint Constructors to Framework C. Individual Lots within Framework A, Framework B and Framework C are further defined at the lot levels.
CPV Codes
- 45000000 - Construction work
- 45113000 - Siteworks
- 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- 45210000 - Building construction work
- 45213252 - Workshops construction work
- 45216113 - Prison building construction work
- 45220000 - Engineering works and construction works
- 45222000 - Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways
- 45222300 - Engineering work for security installations
- 45261900 - Roof repair and maintenance work
- 45261920 - Roof maintenance work
- 45453100 - Refurbishment work
- 50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
- 50600000 - Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials
- 50710000 - Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
- 51000000 - Installation services (except software)
- 51100000 - Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
- 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- 71300000 - Engineering services
- 71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
- 71315000 - Building services
- 71321000 - Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
- 71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
- 71330000 - Miscellaneous engineering services
- 71334000 - Mechanical and electrical engineering services
- 71500000 - Construction-related services
- 71510000 - Site-investigation services
- 71521000 - Construction-site supervision services
- 71530000 - Construction consultancy services
- 71540000 - Construction management services
- 71541000 - Construction project management services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
See procurement documents for further details. Also see the FTS notice for further details which hold more information about lot level as Contracts finder does not have enough word allowance to describe the procurement fully. FTS notice link issued is: FTS publication reference number is: 2021/S 000-029530 The sum of £2.5bn indicated in this notice and FTS notice is over a period of 5 years. Should there be an extension, the potential value of the extension will be £1bn. More information is provided in the procurement document. The values for Lot levels identified in the FTS notice are best current estimate of works to be procured under each Lot. The maximum spend under each lot may include a 10% increase which is not shown in the FTS notice at level, but is shown in the draft frameworks. Further details regarding a potential 10% increase is stated in the FTS notice. Due to space constrain it is not possible to provide detailed reasoning here. The scope of the Framework will cover the estates of the following organisations, including their agencies and public bodies: - Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Corporate - HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) - HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) - Legal Aid Agency (LAA) - Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) - Home Office For further information, please visit: Longer duration framework: The duration of MoJ Constructor Services Framework (Lot 1 to Lot 9) is Five (5) years with potential extension or extensions of upto a further two (2) years. The cost/complexity of this competition process justifies the application of an exception and allowing a longer period. * The MoJ environment is difficult to operate within the high security prison environment. Additional requirements for obtaining individual clearances, escort arrangements on secure sites, limited hours available to undertake the works, and the restriction of movement once on site are all factors that can cause delay to a project and take a considerable amount of time to sort out or to initiate the Works). * Premarket engagement conducted following the issue of a PIN revealed that a larger pipeline and lengthy contract will make any competition more attractive and would provide sufficient comfort to invest in the key account team, Authority specific R&D and establish a dedicated supply chain to deliver the benefits of volume purchasing to the MoJ. The MoJ reserves the right to discontinue at any stage any procurement it commences (which for the avoidance of doubt refers to any one or more or all of the Lots), reject all or any of the bids for the competition and not to appoint any Bidders to one or more Lots. How to Search for the Procurement Documents including the Standard Questionnaire on Ministry of Justice Sourcing Portal: Visit the site: 1. The Bidders are required to register their organisation as the first step. 2. After registration, bidders will need to go to ''PQQs Open to All Suppliers". 3. Search for '' PQQ_272 - MoJ Constructor Services Framework: SQ''. 4. After locating the above PQQ, please click the ''Express Interest'' button and it will save it to ''My PQQs'' tab and you will be able to access it. n/a prj_4859 - MoJ Constructor Services Framework - Find a Tender.pdf
- tender_236842/1016421
- CF 5c3dc4b9-289f-4274-8b8e-ac3ff08e8ae8