Specialist Smoking Cessation Service

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
08 Dec 2021
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Wakefield Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Wakefield Council (‘The Council’) is seeking to procure a Specialist Stop Smoking Service (‘The Service’). The Council is seeking to commission a service provider to design and deliver an accessible stop smoking service that forms an integral part of Wakefield Council Public Health outcomes related to smoking which is in parallel with the National Tobacco Control Plan for England and the national ambition of a Smokefree England by 2030. The Service will deliver all aspects of a specialist stop smoking service. The contract start date will be 1st January 2022 (for a period of 18 months). The Council may extend the Contract by up to 12 months. It is possible that TUPE might apply.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Service will deliver effective, evidence based stop smoking interventions that meet the needs of individuals and contribute to the service outcomes outlined above. The main objectives are to: • Use evidence based interventions and pharmacotherapy to support smokers to stop smoking. • Support the Wakefield Tobacco Control Alliance and its vision for the district to become Smokefree by 2030. • Deliver specialist stop smoking interventions at convenient and appropriate times and venues e.g. evenings, weekends, workplaces etc. • Develop positive working partnerships with Primary and Secondary Care and other health and care services as part of the Wakefield Integrated Health Care System. • Develop and deliver an effective marketing and communications strategy aimed at increasing the number of individuals accessing the service and setting a quit date. • Provide management information on quit rates and Carbon Monoxide (CO) verification. • Supply and calibrate CO monitors as service delivery. • Maintain a record of training for Specialist Stop Smoking Advisors and Level 2 Intermediate Advisors. • Monitor the demographics of the clients accessing the Specialist Stop Smoking Service. • Develop and maintain an up to date website that provides online support. • Provide a local telephone number and e-mail address. • Provide information, support and advice through social media, photographs or pictures, videos to support priority groups. • Ensure information is appropriate and available to support individuals with protected characteristics. • Develop & maintain appropriate data management & reporting systems to meet requirements for NHS Digital and locally determined KPIs. • Develop/review appropriate care pathways from Primary Care, Secondary Care (both inpatients and out-patients) and mental health services to ensure the effective transition of patients.

Award Detail

1 South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust (Wakefield)
  • Reference: 030544-2021-1
  • Value: £5,608,250

Award Criteria

Quality/Social Value 90
price 10

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

