Bolton at Home would like to invite tenders for the Pest Control Services Framework. The Framework will consist of 3 lots and will run from 2022 to 2024 with the option to extend for a further two periods of 12 months to 2026. (2+1+1)
Lot 1 – Facilities Management
Lot 2 – Voids & Tenanted Properties
Lot 3 – Neighbourhood Services
The framework envisages the delivery of planned preventative pest control services at 28 properties (a mixture of offices, UCANs, Community Centres, Residential and Retail) and to deliver a responsive reactive pest control service to individual properties across the borough on a case by case basis to suit the needs of Bolton at Home customers and void properties to include survey, treatment, eradication and associated works.
Bolton at Home would like to invite tenders for the Pest Control Services Framework. The Framework will consist of 3 lots and will run from 2022 to 2024 with the option to extend for a further two periods of 12 months to 2026. (2+1+1)
Lot 1 – Facilities Management
Lot 2 – Voids & Tenanted Properties
Lot 3 – Neighbourhood Services
The framework envisages the delivery of planned preventative pest control services at 28 properties (a mixture of offices, UCANs, Community Centres, Residential and Retail) and to deliver a responsive reactive pest control service to individual properties across the borough on a case by case basis to suit the needs of Bolton at Home customers and void properties to include survey, treatment, eradication and associated works.
Social Value contributions apply to this tender & the supplier will contribute 1% of the contract sum to Bolton at Home’s Social Value Fund, as set out in Bolton at Home’s Social Value Policy.
Aggregated contract spend over £50,000 will be liable for social value contribution of 1% throughout the framework term and invoiced annually.
The contract will be evaluated per individual Lot on 60% quality/technical and 40% price, please note that each Lot has their own set of quality method statements. So therefore if you are applying for all 3 Lots, 3 sets of quality method statements will need to be completed as per that Lot.
It is anticipated that Lot 1 will be a single appointed contractor and Lot 2 & 3 will appoint between 1 – 5 (one to five) contractors within each lot.