Y20031 - Supply of Multi-Functional Devices and Digital Solutions

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Goods)
4 year
22 Dec 2021
To 23 Mar 2026 (est.)
17 Feb 2022 14:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


KCS Procurement Services, acting for and on behalf of Kent County Council (KCC) Central Buying Consortium (CBC) and the Commercial Service Group (CSG), a Procurement Buying Organisation (PBO), wish to create a national, user friendly, time and cost effective Framework Agreement for the supply of Multi-Functional Devices and Digital Solutions. The Framework Agreement covers the provision and installation of a full range of Multi-Functional Devices, Digital Solutions and Digital Transformation. The Framework Agreement will be split into two (2) individual LOTs. These are: LOT 1 – Leased and Purchased Multi-Functional Devices and Digital Solutions LOT 2 – Digital Transformation and Associated Services

Lot Division

1 Leased and Purchased Multi-Functional Devices and Digital Solutions

LOT 1 LOT 1 covers the provision of multi-functional Devices and digital solutions, to include both A4 and A4/A3 networked and standalone multi-functional Devices, printers, high volume print room Devices and wide format printers, all with the option of CPC maintenance. Equipment in this LOT may be procured as a direct purchase or via a Lease agreement. In addition to the standard Manufacturer’s warranty, maintenance options must be available for all products. Digital Solutions requirements can include, but will not be limited to, a range of Equipment, Software and Services (including on-going maintenance, support and managed print) to help control, manage and measure the effectiveness of the print environment. This can include output surveys to establish existing output trends and costs, print job accounting, Device management, departmental chargeback, confidential printing, job routing based on most efficient use of Devices, scanning with optical character recognition, greater efficiencies through the reduction of waste and uncollected jobs, rules-based printing. Product Range Product ranges must include provision for the following minimum requirements: • Desktop and floor standing printers • Wide format printers • Multi-functional Devices • High volume Equipment • Mono, colour, A4 and A3 technology with a range of speeds • Various finishing options • Standard network interfaces for print/copy/scan/fax versions (to include java cards as standard) • Management information Software/user control enabling software Additional information: To gain access and complete the necessary documents please follow the instruction below Visit - WWW.Kentbusinessportal.org.uk Select - Opportunities Select Organisation - Commercial Services Select the opportunity appropriate to you from the list provided Express interest - you may need to register first Once successful expression is completed you can access and complete the requirements in two ways 1 - when you register you will receive a successful registration email, this also contains an link taking you direct to the opportunity 2 - when you log in to proactis go to my activities, select commercial services and you will be presented with the opportunity. Following the instruction from herein

2 Digital Transformation and Associated Services

LOT 2 Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new, or modify existing, business processes, culture, and Customer experiences to meet changing Customer needs and requirements. We are seeking Suppliers who, in complement to their offering of multi-functional Devices, can provide digital transformation services to enable Customers to transform and improve operating processes by way of multiple solutions with the Supplier of their choice. Individual opportunities will need to be tailored to meet the Customer’s requirement to improve efficiency, provide an agile and reliable solution that will transform and meet their business objectives. This LOT supports both the Supplier and Customer/Member Authority in identifying and developing strategic relationships, that will provide benefits through the ability to have a single lead Supplier relationship. List of Potential Requirements Indicative requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: • Audio visual solutions • Communication systems • Cloud storage • Document storage, distribution and management • Facilities solutions • High volume print Devices • Hosted services • Hybrid mail • ICT hardware • ICT systems management, support and solutions • Mail management solutions • Multi-functional Devices • Network services • Outsourced print solutions • Print management, consultancy and audit • Scanning and archiving solutions • Software solutions • Wide format Devices Associated services may extend beyond the scope of the Goods/Services purchased and may include, but not be limited to; • End user support • Service desk • Installation • Project management • Training • Asset management • Consultancy Additional information: To gain access and complete the necessary documents please follow the instruction below Visit - WWW.Kentbusinessportal.org.uk Select - Opportunities Select Organisation - Commercial Services Select the opportunity appropriate to you from the list provided Express interest - you may need to register first Once successful expression is completed you can access and complete the requirements in two ways 1 - when you register you will receive a successful registration email, this also contains an link taking you direct to the opportunity 2 - when you log in to proactis go to my activities, select commercial services and you will be presented with the opportunity. Following the instruction from herein

CPV Codes

  • 30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
  • 72228000 - Hardware integration consultancy services
  • 72512000 - Document management services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Member Authorities that have expressed interest in accessing the Framework Agreement from the outset are: Hampshire County Council Hertfordshire County Council Kent County Council (via KCS Procurement Services) Other public bodies will have access to this Framework Agreement but may only do so with the agreement of the Contracting Authority. Those organisations who may wish to access this Framework Agreement will be members, Affiliates and associates of the CBC Group, local government authorities, the police service, the fire service, the NHS and NHS trusts, housing associations, third sector organisations, academic centres (including Academies), free Schools, publicly funded organisations and publicly owned private companies, operating within the geographic boundaries of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man. The Framework Agreement will also be open for use by all other local authorities and public sector bodies. Full details of potential Customer’s geographical areas and organisation classifications are detailed as follows: LOCAL AUTHORITY COUNCILS: England: County, Unitary, District, Borough, and Metropolitan Councils. (Parish and Community Councils are also permissible users). See link: https://www.local.gov.uk/our-support/guidance-and-resources/communications-suppo... https://www.local.gov.uk/topics http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/Localcouncils/index.htm Northern Ireland: Administered across 26 Districts of Northern Ireland. See link: http://www.nidirect.gov.uk/local-councils-in-northern-ireland Scotland: Administered across 32 Council areas. See link: Councils | COSLA Wales: Administered across 22 Council areas. See link: Find your local authority | GOV.WALES Isle of Man: Administered across 22 local authorities, consisting of 4 town authorities, 2 district authorities, 2 village authorities, and 14 parish authorities. https://www.gov.im/categories/home-and-neighbourhood/local-authorities/local-aut... Channel Islands: https://www.gov.je/Government/Departments/Pages/default.aspx https://www.gov.gg/article/152949/Government-Departments EMERGENCY SERVICES: POLICE: National https://www.btp.police.uk/ http://www.mod.police.uk http://www.npas.police.uk/ England Home | Police.uk (www.police.uk) https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/civil-nuclear-constabulary Northern Island https://www.police.uk/northern-ireland/ Scotland http://www.scotland.police.uk/ https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/civil-nuclear-constabulary Wales https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/ Home | Gwent Police Home | North Wales Police https://www.police.uk/south-wales/ https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/civil-nuclear-constabulary Isle of Man https://www.iompolice.im/ Channel Islands https://jersey.police.uk/ http://www.guernsey.police.uk/ FIRE and RESCUE UK – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, IOM http://www.fireservice.co.uk/information/ukfrs/ https://www.ukfirestations.co.uk/brigades Channel Islands https://www.gov.je/Government/Departments/HomeAffairs/Pages/default.aspx MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY UK – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, IOM https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency/about... Isle of Man https://www.gov.im/coastguard Channel Islands http://www.ports.je/JerseyCoastguard/Pages/default.aspx https://www.rnli.org.gg/guernseys-lifeboat/ NHS/HEALTH BODIES AND AMBULANCE SERVICES: England https://www.nhs.uk/servicedirectories/pages/nhstrustlisting.aspx East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.emas.nhs.uk East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.eastamb.nhs.uk London Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.londonambulance.nhs.uk North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust http://www.neas.nhs.uk North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.nwas.nhs.uk South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust http://www.southcentralambulance.nhs.uk South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust http://www.secamb.nhs.uk South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust https://www.swast.nhs.uk/welcome West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.wmas.nhs.uk Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust http://www.yas.nhs.uk Northern Island http://www.hscni.net/index.php?link=trusts http://www.niamb.co.uk/ Scotland https://www.scot.nhs.uk/organisations/ http://www.scottishambulance.com/WhatWeDo/Default.aspx Wales http://www.wales.nhs.uk/nhswalesaboutus/structure https://www.ambulance.wales.nhs.uk/ Isle of Man https://www.gov.im/about-the-government/departments/health-and-social-care/ https://www.gov.im/categories/health-and-wellbeing/isle-of-man-ambulance-service... Channel Islands https://www.gov.je/Government/Departments/HealthSocialServices/Pages/index.aspx https://www.gov.gg/article/119652/Health-Social-Care--Wellbeing https://www.gov.je/pages/contacts.aspx?contactid=87 St John Ambulance Cymru - Wales’ leading first aid charity (sjacymru.org.uk) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND THEIR AGENCIES: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/A-ZOfCentralGovernment/index.htm REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS: Government-funded, not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable housing. They include housing associations, trusts and cooperatives. England https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/current-registered-providers-of-socia... Scotland https://directory.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/Pages/Datasets-and-Reports.asp... Northern Ireland https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/contacts/housing-associations Wales https://gov.wales/ Isle of Man https://www.gov.im/categories/home-and-neighbourhood/affordable-housing/public-s... Channel Islands https://www.gov.je/Home/RentingBuying/OtherRentalOptions/Pages/OtherHousing.aspx http://www.gha.gg/ EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS: Nursery, primary, middle or high Schools, secondary Schools, Academies, free Schools, special Schools, Pupil Referral Units (PRU), further education colleges, universities. UK – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales http://www.schoolswebdirectory.co.uk/index.php https://get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/ https://www.hefcw.ac.uk/ https://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk Isle of Man https://www.gov.im/categories/education-training-and-careers/schools-and-college... Channel Islands https://www.gov.je/Education/Schools/FindingSchool/Pages/default.aspx https://www.gov.gg/article/163185/Education-Working--Retiring CHARITIES England and Wales https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-commission Scotland http://www.oscr.org.uk/ Northern Ireland https://www.charitycommissionni.org.uk/charity-search/ Isle of Man Isle of Man Government - Charities Channel Islands http://www.jerseycharities.org/members http://www.charity.org.gg/Find Suppliers are advised that the Contracting Authority, its Affiliates and/or Member Authorities, reserve the right to supply the tendered Goods, Services, and commodities to companies that have a majority public sector ownership by any of the public sector bodies referred to above during the Framework Agreement period as stated in this document, for the purpose of selling to other public, private and third sector organisations. Suppliers are advised that the Contracting Authority, its Affiliates and/or Member Authorities, reserve the right to supply the tendered Goods, Services, and commodities to companies that have a majority public sector ownership by any of the public sector bodies referred to above during the Framework Agreement period as stated in this document, for the purpose of selling to other public, private and third sector organisations.

