EoE EPRR Evacuation Tool
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 14 month
- Value
- £350K-£370K
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Feb 2022
- Delivery
- 25 Feb 2022 to 30 Apr 2023
- Deadline
- 18 Feb 2022 12:00
1 buyer
- NHS England Leeds
The requirement will be for an organisation to deliver a standardised non-electronic Hospital Evacuation Triage and Tracking Tool to enable interoperability and continuity between trusts in physical kit form to be rolled out across Acute and Community Hospitals in the East of England Circa over 40 sites This is a non-digital evacuation system comprising a physical kit box (with guidance approach) to be sited on every in-patient ward. Further kits sit with the evacuation zone commanders. The kits to contain physical paper and card products designed to support the triage process and the tracking of patients to their onward destination. Roll out and implementation of the kits require Train the Trainer education sessions in the use of the manual hospital evacuation tool. Training sessions to be scheduled and delivered at each NHS site post-delivery of physical kits. Training will be face to face to NHS Trust staff (ward level, EPRR, commander level) at each site by agreement with each Trust with a fall back plan to switch to virtual delivery in the event of future lockdown restrictions or if this is the preferred trust delivery method. Project delivery must include the following elements • A paper-based system that supports the standard evacuation and tracking of patients across the region and uses the NEWS 2 (national early warning score for assessment of unwell patients) as its parameters which results in the tool putting patients into priority categories • Must be designed to be simple and out of a box solution and as such is supportive of delivering the best level of care for patients during an evacuation • Must be standardised to enable interoperability and continuity between trusts • Is required to operate from the wards in an affected trust and can be replicated across sites, using common terminology, using easily achievable tasks and must be easily understood by clinical colleagues. If you are interested in this opportunity please can you respond to this EoI by Friday 18th February 2022 at 12 noon. The attached document gives further information on the request
CPV Codes
- 85100000 - Health services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
EPRR Evaluation Tool East region EOI 01.02.2022 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/8d000000HHqi/cKxUh5J3_o9...
- CF-0613100D0O000000rwimUAA2
- CF b4ae9672-ebf2-4125-a72d-4a9bd5bf8cc5