Recycling, Waste Collection and Street Cleansing services

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
14 year (est.)
11 Feb 2022
To 11 Feb 2036 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


The London Borough of Lambeth (the Authority) invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations in relation to the Contract for the provision of the Recycling, Waste Collection and Street Cleansing Services, to include collection of waste and recycling; street cleansing across the borough and housing estates; management of containers; communication, education and outreach; operating the re-use and recycling centre; commercial waste sales; and disposal of food and garden waste (for which the Authority wishes to test a second Service Delivery Options. Some services will be included as a provisional item, to be confirmed at a later date. The Authority is conducting this procurement through the competitive dialogue procedure of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Contract will be for an initial term of 6 years, followed by the ability to extend, from 1 year to 8 years, subject to not exceeding the maximum contract length of 14 years.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Authority will implement the procurement procedure in successive stages. - Selection Questionnaire Stage (SQ Stage) To express interest economic operators must complete and submit a request to participate in the procurement by completing and returning responses to the Selection Questionnaire in accordance with the instructions set out in the procurement documentation. The Contracting Authority’s needs and requirements for the contract and descriptive document are included in the procurement documents published with this notice This procurement is being undertaken pursuant to the competitive dialogue procedure using an electronic tendering system - the EU-Supply Portal. Economic operators will need to register an interest on the portal in order to participate and the registration is free. All documentation is available from and all communication is to be conducted via the portal at Following the submission of the completed Selection Questionnaires, the Authority will apply the selection criteria, as set out in the procurement documentation. The Authority intends to select up to four (4) economic operators to progress from the SQ stage to the ISDS stage. - Invitation to Submit Detailed Solutions (ISDS Stage) The Authority will commence dialogue with the bidders who have been selected from the previous stage. The Authority will hold dialogue meetings with each of the bidders. At the conclusion of the dialogue meeting, bidders will be required to complete their Detailed Solutions submissions. Following the submission of the Detailed Solutions, the Authority will apply the award criteria, as set out in the procurement documentation. It is intended that this procurement will be a streamlined competitive dialogue. There will be no outline solutions stage. Economic operators are referred to the procurement documents for further information. The waste collection and cleansing elements of the services are set out in the Descriptive Document which is included in the procurement documents. The Contracting Authority is seeking a single contractor to provide waste collection, street cleansing, housing estate cleaning and a range of ancillary services for a period of 6 years, extendable up to a further 8 years.

Award Detail

1 Serco (Hampshire)
  • Recycling, Waste Collection and Street Cleansing services
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £118,700,000

Renewal Options

The Contract will be for an initial term of 6 years, with the option to extend for period(s) up to a further 8 years

Award Criteria

Quality 50.0
Price 50.0

CPV Codes

  • 90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
  • 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
  • 90511100 - Urban solid-refuse collection services
  • 90511200 - Household-refuse collection services
  • 90511300 - Litter collection services
  • 90511400 - Paper collecting services
  • 90512000 - Refuse transport services
  • 90513100 - Household-refuse disposal services
  • 90514000 - Refuse recycling services
  • 90533000 - Waste-tip management services
  • 90600000 - Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
  • 90610000 - Street-cleaning and sweeping services
  • 90611000 - Street-cleaning services
  • 90612000 - Street-sweeping services
  • 90620000 - Snow-clearing services
  • 90630000 - Ice-clearing services
  • 90640000 - Gully cleaning and emptying services
  • 90690000 - Graffiti removal services
  • 90700000 - Environmental services
  • 90712100 - Urban environmental development planning
  • 90914000 - Car park cleaning services
  • 90918000 - Bin-cleaning services
  • 90921000 - Disinfecting and exterminating services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The Contracting Authority has a depot available for use in the provision of the services (see procurement documents). Further information on the delivery points and the depot is provided in the procurement documents. The Contracting Authority will provide the majority of vehicles for the provision of the services (see procurement documents). TUPE is likely to apply to this procurement. Tenderers may be asked to tender against a number of options for service delivery in order to explore the solution that best meets the Council’s needs. The Authority may include the treatment of food or mixed organic waste through this contract but does not commit to do so. During the procurement the Contracting Authority will explore through dialogue , without limitation, the treatment of food waste, communication, education and outreach, commercial waste services (sales and marketing), graffiti and fly posting removal and Vale Street Re-use and Recycling Centre. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to abandon this procurement process at any stage and/or not to award any contract. Economic operators are entirely responsible for their costs and losses incurred or arising as a result of any participation in this procurement process. The estimate value of [£294,000,000 ]GBP for the entire possible contract period of 14 years is the top end of the range value i.e. [£196,000,000]GBP to [£294,000,000]GBP estimated by the contracting authority. In arriving at the estimated range of value the Contracting Authority has considered without limitation current value of the services, inflation, impact of growth and potential key service change to be explored as part of the competitive dialogue.

