Intelligent Transport Systems

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
23.5 month
25 Feb 2022
To 04 Apr 2024 (est.)
15 Apr 2022 11:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Liverpool City Council are looking to put in place a contract or engagement to support the provision (manufacture or sourcing of, and install at location) of VMS Signs, Journey Time Monitoring Systems and Network Validation. The contract would include a review of our sign infrastructure, implementation of a journey time monitoring system and validation of certain parts of SCOOT/MOVA network.

Lot Division

1 Variable Message Sign (VMS) Review and Renewal

Liverpool City Council are currently looking to procure the services of a contractor to carry out a detailed review of the existing Variable Message Sign (VMS) and Car Park Guidance (CPG) Sign infrastructure across its highway network. This review will also include, but not limited to: proposed improvements to the assets out on street, upgrading equipment and proposed new locations.

2 Journey Time Monitoring System Implementation

Liverpool City Council (LCC) are currently looking to implement a floating vehicle data journey time system across its network. Currently the UTC team utilise various modes of control such as SCOOT, MOVA, fixed time and VA, alternating modes of control at different times of day, days of week and following reviews of the network. To further assist with reviewing the network following validation plus any operational decisions made by the team a journey time system can offer an improved insight into the highway network. LCC will be able to review day to day journey times along key routes around the City to ensure optimal operation under various scenarios for road users, this will also benefit the day to day running of the network in terms of road works and incident notification.

3 Network Validation

Liverpool City Council currently operate 500 sets of traffic signals across its highway network, modes of control differ across the entire network from SCOOT, MOVA, Fixed Time, CLF and VA. These modes of control operate at all times of the day and react to changing parameters such as traffic flow and congestion. Of the 500 sets of signals, around 420 of them have SCOOT capabilities, with around 30 set up for MOVA.

CPV Codes

  • 71311220 - Highways engineering services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

