ES Tree and Grounds Management SaaS IT Solution
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Products)
- Duration
- 3 year
- Value
- £213K
- Sector
- Published
- 03 Mar 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Jul 2022 to 30 Jun 2025
- Deadline
- 08 Apr 2022 12:00
1 buyer
The Supplies will support London Quadrant Housing Trust (LQHT) in the management of its Grounds Maintenance contracts and Tree Maintenance contracts. LQHT has over 1000 distinct estates across England, grouped by lots and regions. Grounds Maintenance contracts and Tree Maintenance contracts have been awarded to specialist Contractor Companies for each lot. This means several different Contractor Companies are responsible for fulfilling maintenance contracts across LQHT's properties. The scope of Grounds Maintenance covers the maintenance of all communal, soft, and hard landscape surfaces. This will include all communal areas, play areas, verges, gardens (and roof gardens where applicable), wooded areas, non-adopted roads, and pathways/walkways (including covered walkways). The scope of Tree Maintenance covers the periodic inspection of LQHT's approx. 20000 trees and the completion of remediation work identified during these inspections. The Solution required will: - integrate with GIS and property data owned by LQHT, allowing LQHT and Contractor Companies to identify trees and grounds requiring maintenance work and maintain up to date physical asset data - allow LQHT to create Work Items and Schedules of Work - maintain reference data describing Work Types and Work Categories so Work Items can be assigned to the correct Contractor Company and budget - manage individual workflows between LQHT and Contractor Companies - allow Work Items to be completed and evidenced with uploaded photographs - perform service charge calculations and allocation based on reference data - allow LQHT to raise issue notices with Contractor Companies and manage the workflow to complete these The Supplies will help LQHT achieve several elements of LQHT's corporate plan including 'creating quality homes and estates that our customers can be proud of through a new approach to property maintenance', 'reducing operational costs and promoting efficiencies which ultimately improves resident experience', and 'achieving a minimum of 80% customer satisfaction in the look and feel of our estates'. 1.8 LQHT have developed an Interim Solution that will support Grounds Maintenance and Tree Maintenance contracts until the Supplies go live. There is no requirement for the Solution to integrate with the Interim Solution. There is no requirement for historic Work Items to be migrated from the Interim Solution into the Solution.
CPV Codes
- 48000000 - Software package and information systems
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
1.9 LQHT require the Supplier to adhere at all times to the LQHT Supplier Code of Conduct and sign up to the LQHT Expected Standards of Behaviours of LQHT Suppliers as listed in Appendix 10 and as available via the Procurement Portal. Note the LQHT Expected Standards of Behaviours of LQHT Suppliers document is included in the Section 7 Checklist. Please see the procurement documentation for further details at
- ICT00305
- CF 0948174f-6ff4-451b-bd88-925fe55ff327