York Central Development (Network Rail/Homes England)

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
10 year
07 Apr 2022
03 Aug 2021 to 29 Aug 2031
06 May 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The intention of this early engagement notice is to gauge market interest in the opportunity and also seek feedback from interested parties on the proposals. Network Rail and Homes England (the Landowners) are acting jointly in seeking development partners, with experience in delivering high quality regeneration, that they can work with over the long term to deliver the York Central vision. In order to progress with the development within required timescales the landowners are seeking to, initially, form a contractual joint venture with the preferred development partner. This could then be adapted to a corporate JV should all parties agree to this. The ambition is to create a world-class mixed-use development, informed by interested local parties to enhance York as destination for high quality commercial and residential occupiers and visitors. In total the scheme, when completed, will provide up to 2,500 homes, c.800,000 sq ft of offices, retail and leisure. Interested parties are invited to review the supplementary information which will be available via a data room which can be accessed by registering their interest via the following link https://york-central-development.com Located directly behind York Railway Station, the Site extends to 45 hectares (111 acres) and includes land predominantly owned by Network Rail and Homes England. An Outline Application for the mixed-use development was granted in 2019 and subsequently a Reserved Matters Application was approved in 2020 for a significant first phase of infrastructure being delivered by the Landowners. The Landowners wish to see the whole site developed comprehensively in line with the outline planning application to provide up to a maximum of 2,500 homes, 800,000 sq ft of offices, retail and leisure uses. This includes a first phase of 650,000 sq ft of commercial space and 700 residential units. A number of different (public and private sector) occupiers have already shown strong interest in the first phase and there is potential for the appointed development partners to secure pre-lets over a significant amount of the commercial floorspace. The qualities the Landowners are looking for in a development partner include, but are not limited to: • demonstrating a long term investment commitment to the implementation of the York Central vision; • undertaking masterplanning, design and planning activity; • engaging with interested local parties and resident groups to inform and take forward aspects of the proposals; • optimising schemes to maximise land value and the regenerative impact on later phases; • utilising meanwhile uses, bringing life to public realm and skills in long term estate management; • raising longer term investment and development finance; • procurement of third party contractors and supply chain management; and • marketing and attraction of occupiers.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Additional conditions regarding this early engagement: 1) This early engagement is not a call for competition and is not published to reduce time limits for the receipt of tenders; 2) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and Homes England reserves the right not to commence any procurement or award any contract in respect of this notice; 3) The information contained in this early engagement may be subject to change due to the impact of governance, assurance and regulatory changes. Insofar as permitted by law, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and Homes England shall not be liable for any losses incurred by any party as a result of reliance on the information contained/linked herein; 4) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and Homes England reserve the right to include this requirement within alternative procurements; 5) Section 4 is listed as Network Rail. Homes England is the joint contracting authority; 6) Parties are encouraged to register to the following eTendering system https://procontract.due-north.com/Login, as the procurement process will be conducted via ProContract. Link to Register Interest https://york-central-development.com

