Servicing, Maintenance and Compliance (Gas, M&E and Buildings) of Council Managed Assets - Term Service Contract

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
28 Apr 2022
not specified



The Council's housing stock comprises approx. 15,000 properties across 7 estates located within Portsmouth and surrounding environs being: • Portsea • City South • Landport • Buckland • Paulsgrove • Leigh Park • Wecock Farm The Council's broader property portfolio encompasses a range of building types which include but are not limited to: • Schools • Offices • Commercial buildings, warehouses and depots • Care homes • Sheltered housing and supported living properties • Maritime port facilities Further information regarding the Council's property portfolio by type, age, numbers, purpose, location, etc. is included within Appendix A - Stock Data Analysis of the Council's Asset Management Strategy 2021 which can be accessed via the Council's e-sourcing system InTend.

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Portsmouth City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Portsmouth City Council - the 'Council' - will be undertaking a procurement process to award a term service contract for the provision of servicing, maintenance, installation and compliance checks of gas, water, heating and other associated building installations across the Council's housing stock and wider property portfolio. The contract may also be used at the Council's option to commission associated project works via task order. The contract will be managed on a full open book partnership basis with adoption of a range of Vanguard Systems Thinking designed processes and performance measures. Whilst applying contractors will need to demonstrate a level of experience in delivering the core technical scope of activities covered under the contract, experience in delivering term service & maintenance activities within a social housing context at scale and, vitally, experience of open partnership working plus proactive delivery of continuous improvement will be of key importance. The value of the contract is estimated at between approximately £7M - £8M per annum. Approximately £3.5M - £4M per annum of these estimates is associated with servicing, maintenance and compliance activities which form the primary technical scope of the contract. The remaining £3.5M - £4M per annum relates to optional project works and the value of which may fluctuate significantly over the term of the contract. The Council is targeting to have awarded the contract by 19th December 2022 with contract commencement following on 1st April 2023. The contract will be let on an initial base term of 5 years with the option to extend by a further 5 years to a maximum total term of 10 years in increments of no less than 1 year and no more than 5 years. In order to award the contract the Council will undertake a procurement process in accordance with the Restricted Procedure as set out within the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) in line with the summary indicative target programme set out below: • Issue FTS Prior Information Notice (PIN) - 28th April 2022 • Deadline for soft market testing PIN responses - 27th May 2022 17:00 • Issue FTS Contract Notice - 13th June 2022 • Supplier Selection Questionnaire return deadline - 13th July 2022 • Issue Invitation to Tender to shortlisted tenderers - 8th August 2022 • Tender return deadline - 30th September 2022 • Notification of award - 7th November 2022 • Completion of standstill and S20 Leaseholder Notification - 7th December 2022 • Contract execution - 19th December 2022 • Service commencement - 1st April 2023

Total Quantity or Scope

TECHNICAL SCOPE The scope of services and works covered by the contract can be summarised as follows: • Annual gas servicing to the housing stock completing the LGSR together with undertaking response repairs to appliances, pipework, heating systems and controls or new installations as appropriate for domestic dwellings and commercial heating installations. • Legionella testing, risk assessments and tank maintenance. • Servicing, testing, maintenance and replacement as appropriate of dwelling smoke detectors, air conditioning, commercial catering equipment, laundry equipment, duct and extractor systems, sprinklers, district heating systems, HIU boards and any other related mechanical and electrical installations. • On an optional basis, electrical inspections and reports (EICR) including PAT testing and emergency lighting checks. • Installation works for new or refurbish existing gas heating systems and other associated mechanical & electrical equipment via optional task order facility. The contractor will be required to resource an effective out of hours service which is available all 365 days of the year. EQUIPMENT & ASSOCIATED INFRASTRCUTURE There is a broad range of equipment and associated infrastructure installed within the Council's property portfolio. A summary inventory by broad equipment / infrastructure type and volume is provided below: 'HRA' generally refers to the Council's residential properties which are managed via resources and finances provided under the Housing Revenue Account. 'General Fund & Other' generally refers to properties included within the Council's broader property portfolio which are not managed via the use of HRA resources such as schools, care homes, libraries, museums, etc. In respect of water heating appliances which form the highest volume of equipment that falls under the scope of the contract this is roughly split between the following manufacturers: • Alpha - approx. 6,660 • Vaillant - approx. 5,670 • Worcester - approx. 970 CONTRACT FORM & MANAGEMENT The contract will be let using the NEC4 Term Service Option E Cost Reimbursable terms with project works let via task order with application of Z clauses which apply terms from the NEC4 ECC contract as required for the project in question. The contract will be managed on a full open book partnership basis with adoption of a range of Vanguard Systems Thinking designed processes and performance measures. Systems Thinking methodologies have been incorporated and applied across the Council's contracts with term service providers since 2006. Improvements to the system of management are made based on knowledge gained using the Systems Thinking method by undertaking Check, Plan, Do, together with using the Council's principles of work. The stages for the model for 'Check' to gain knowledge of the existing service include the following: • Understand demand • Identify purpose • Use of measures • Map flow • Identify system conditions • Understand management thinking The principles of work used are: • Customer sets the nominal value • Only do the value work • Pull not push • Best resource at the front end • Single piece flow • Work flows 100% clean A suite of measures will be used to enable assessment of how specific areas of the service is performing. These measures will be derived from the work and will be used by managers, staff and contractors to make improvements. The importance of each measure will fluctuate as learning is gained and they will be a key aspect of making informed decisions and assessing outcomes. The type of measures used will include: • Demand • Capacity • Capability (E2E) • Quality • Cost • Customer Satisfaction Further information on System Thinking can be freely accessed via the Vanguard site using the link below. The contractor will be required to adopt the Council's working practices and utilise its IT systems and a high level of contract specific local level autonomy on the part of the contractor will be required. In addition to working in close partnership with the Council the Contractor will also be required to work in partnership with the Council's other existing term service contractor partners. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2021 Further information regarding the Council's application of the Systems Thinking methodology, IT systems, repairs & maintenance services, statutory compliance activities, asset improvement and partnership working is included within the Council's Asset Management Strategy 2021 which can be accessed via the Council's e-sourcing system InTend.

CPV Codes

  • 50712000 - Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
  • 45311000 - Electrical wiring and fitting work
  • 45331100 - Central-heating installation work
  • 45331110 - Boiler installation work
  • 45331200 - Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
  • 45331230 - Installation work of cooling equipment
  • 45332000 - Plumbing and drain-laying work
  • 45333000 - Gas-fitting installation work
  • 45350000 - Mechanical installations
  • 50710000 - Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
  • 50720000 - Repair and maintenance services of central heating
  • 50730000 - Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups


Other Information

In addition to alerting the market to this forthcoming contract opportunity the Council would also like to use this pre-procurement activity to gauge levels contractor interest, relevant contractor experience and give interested contractors an opportunity to put forward any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the envisaged procurement process, programme, contract dates, scope of contract, form of contract, etc. Whilst not a compulsory requirement for participation in the forthcoming procurement process, interested contractors are encouraged to complete a soft market testing questionnaire which can be access via the Council's InTend e-sourcing solution and return it via InTend, ideally by no later than Friday 27th May 2022 17:00. The InTend system can be accessed free of charge via the website address below: Any responses returned after this date and time will not be set aside but may not be subject to detailed review by the Council prior to issue of the FTS Contract Notice which is targeted for Monday 13th June 2022.

