SS220198 - A249 Grovehurst Road and Key Street
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- £27M
- Sector
- Published
- 30 Jun 2022
- Delivery
- To 01 Aug 2024 (est.)
- Deadline
- 04 Aug 2022 11:00
1 buyer
- Kent County Council Maidstone
Kent County Council (the Council) is the largest local authority in England covering an area of 3,500 square kilometres. It has an annual expenditure of over £1bn on goods and services and a population of 1.6m. The Council provides a wide range of personal and strategic services on behalf of its residents, operating in partnership with the NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, 12 district councils, and 289 parish/town councils. KCC consists of four directorates: • Adult Social Care and Health; • Children, Young People and Education; • Growth, Environment and Transport; and • Strategic and Corporate Services. This service is being commissioned on behalf of the Major Capital Programme Team which sits within the Growth, Environment and Transport directorate. The Key Street and Grovehurst Road junctions are located on the A249, to the north-east of the M2 Junction 5 heading towards the Isle of Sheppey. The A249 Key Street junction is a two-bridge oval shaped roundabout junction with slip roads on the southern side and connections to the A249, A2 Keycol Hill, Bobbing Hill, Sheppey Way and Chestnut Street. It serves the A2, village communities, and Sittingbourne town centre. The A249 Grovehurst Road junction is a double roundabout layout with a single dual carriageway bridge over the A249 connecting the two. It is the main route for traffic heading towards the Sittingbourne Northern Relief Road to the east and Iwade village to the west. The junction also has connections to Grovehurst Road and Swale Way. The Key Street and Grovehurst Road junction improvements are linked because of their proximity to each other on the A249, and their importance in connecting local communities and business to nearby towns and the wider A2/M2 road network. Road users currently using either Key Street or Grovehurst Road junctions often experience high volumes of traffic, which results in significant vehicle queues and congestion. The volume of traffic at these junctions is expected to increase as a result of future growth in the surrounding area, which is set out in the local plan. KCC is proposing improvements to the two junctions through this project to reduce the impact of future growth, reduce congestion and address air quality issues. Further details can be found within the Selection Questionnaire documents.
Total Quantity or Scope
The contract is for the construction of the following junction improvements: Key Street • Closing the existing A249 southbound slip road from the Key Street roundabout and construction of a new on-slip connection from Chestnut Street • Widening several of the Key Street roundabout approaches and exits • Improving road markings and road signs to provide increased clarity for drivers • Installing parking bays on Bobbing Hill and off-road parallel parking on Chestnut Street • Introducing pedestrian and cycle priority crossings on Keycol Hill, Sheppey Way, Key Street and Chestnut Street • Widening of the existing footways and verges where possible to provide shared footway and cycleways. Grovehurst Road • Repurposing the existing two-way bridge into a two-lane one-way bridge, forming part of the new gyratory • Constructing an additional bridge north-east of the existing bridge over the A249 (composite bridge with piled foundations) • Removing the existing roundabouts to the north-west and south east of the A249 • Installing traffic lights on the gyratory and respective roundabout approaches • Altering the roundabout approach and exit arrangements between the new gyratory and Grovehurst Road and Swale Way • Changing the A249 slip roads, particularly the two Isle of Sheppey facing slip roads, which will be completely reconstructed • Providing a new access to Nichols Transport Logistics Park to the north-east of Swale Way • Introducing pedestrian and cycle priority (toucan) crossings • Widening of the existing footways and verges where possible to provide shared footways and cycleways. Additional information: The estimated construction value for this Contract is £27000000.
CPV Codes
- 45000000 - Construction work
- This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
- Renewals are not available.
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **
- ocds-h6vhtk-034caa
- FTS 017924-2022