Market Engagement for the provision of provision of an online and offline Laptop Visual Learning Environment for use in prisons

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
04 Jul 2022
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Her Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS) is in the early stages of preparing to initiate a procurement process for the provision of an online and offline Laptop Visual Learning Environment for use in prisons.

Total Quantity or Scope

Within the Prisons Strategy White Paper, HMPPS/MoJ have committed to increase the use of digital laptops to support in-cell learning. Due to the unique security and operational requirements of prisons, along with a requirement for devices to be ‘offline’ and function fully as independent learning platforms, we are seeking to explore with the market what solutions may exist to this challenge. An online version could also be made available within normal learning environment Potential suppliers should aim to demonstrate their products against the following specification. The Visual Learning Environment must as minimum meet the following requirements. • Be available both online and offline with the ability to synchronise the information between the two solutions. • Currently used in the community within an education setting • Enable the management and deployment of off-line content in multiple formats – as minimum but not limited too – H5P, EPUB, HTML5, MP3 and 4, video formats. • Store locally on the up to 200gb of learning materials off-line with the ability to deploy that material without being connected to the internet. • Be available both within the prison and the community with an individuals’ information able to be accessed in both locations. • Access to the Visual Learning Environment must be personalised. Secure log-in management must be available on-line and off-line. • Incorporate learning analytics of on-line and off-line usage. • Synchronise the off-line, on-line materials and analytics for a smooth transition through the gate from prison into the community. • Meet HMPPS security requirements and pass a security penetration test against HMPPS standards. • Enable staff to create learning materials. • Give access to multiple user groups including those with neurodiversity needs. Must be fully inclusive. Supplementary service requirements • Text editing software (eg Word, Google Docs) (must be available/accessible from the visual learning environment) • Number solution software (eg Excel, Google numbers) (must be available/accessible from the visual learning environment) • Presentation software (eg PowerPoint, Google presentation) (must be available/accessible from the visual learning environment) • Further details on how to respond to this Notice are provided in the additional information section. Structure for the engagement The technical day will be structured to enable potential providers to demonstrate their visual learning environment to a group of technical and programme staff from Her Majesties Prison Service. The demonstration will be directly with a single provider per slot and will not involve other providers or delivered within a group setting. The presentations will inform the decision-making process to ascertain the best visual learning environment for the delivery of learning within learning skill and work. Questions will be asked by the staff groups where required to better understand the limitations of the system being demonstrated. As part of the demonstration the providers will give an indicative cost for 25,000, 50,000, 75,000 and 100,000 users per year.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 80000000 - Education and training services


Other Information

As set out above, the purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to seek feedback and interest from suppliers for a possible future procurement of an online and offline Laptop Visual Learning Environment for use in prisons. The expectation of the Authority is that this market engagement exercise enables us to gain insight to the market possibilities and potential innovative solutions. Inter As set out above, the purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to seek feedback and interest from suppliers for a possible future procurement of an online and offline Laptop Visual Learning Environment for use in prisons. The expectation of the Authority is that this market engagement exercise enables us to gain insight to the market possibilities and potential innovative solutions. Interested suppliers can register their interest in the PIN by emailing We will then invite you to complete a short questionnaire which we request you to return as promptly as possible. If responses meet the expectations outlined in section 2.4 you will be invited to demonstrate your solution at a tech day. We will confirm the dates, timings and location of supplier forum(s)/event(s) on confirmation of invite. Please note that suppliers who are not invited to a tech day are not excluded from any future competition should there be one. Potential providers will not be prejudiced by any response to this PIN, or failure to respond. This PIN does not formally signify the beginning of a procurement and does not constitute a commitment by the MoJ to undertake any procurement exercise. The MoJ will reserve its rights as to the procurement route used. In the event that a suitable pre-existing framework is identified during market engagement the MoJ may decide not to issue a contract notice. Should a suitable framework not be identified and the MoJ decides to formally commence the procurement a separate notice will be issued through the Find a Tender service. Any resulting procurement will be managed electronically via the MoJ e-sourcing suite.

