York Central Development
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- 19.5 year
- Value
- £0-£1B
- Sector
- Published
- 07 Jul 2022
- Delivery
- To 12 Jan 2044 (est.)
- Deadline
- 25 Aug 2022 11:00
Yorkshire and the Humber:

2 buyers
Homes England and Network Rail (the relevant landowning Network Rail entity being Network Rail Infrastructure Limited) (the Landowners) are seeking to appoint a development partner (single or consortium) (the Development Partner) with a proven track record who will work with them to deliver a transformational new vibrant mixed-use quarter of York City Centre, incorporating high quality public realm. Together they will deliver a highly sustainable development with the aim of increasing the wellbeing of existing and new residents, occupiers and visitors alike. The appointed Development Partner will share the Landowners’ desire and enthusiasm to enhance and deliver the existing illustrative masterplan and outline planning consent and will have the commercial acumen, resource, management and development expertise to ensure successful delivery of the project. York Central (the York Central Site) is a once in a generation development opportunity for the City of York. In total the York Central Site, when redeveloped, will provide up to 2,500 homes, and c.800,000 sq ft of offices, retail and leisure, expansion of the National Railway Museum and provision for community uses, as defined within the outline planning permission Ref: 18/01884/OUTM. The Landowners have considered two potential options for structuring this scheme, including a traditional development agreement and a contractual joint venture (further set out in the procurement documents). However, the Landowners ultimately wish to adopt an approach which best delivers on their objectives and do not wish to prescribe one approach – Bidders will be invited to submit their own preferred option for structuring the scheme. There will be flexibility to allow for a conversion to a joint venture using a corporate structure at any time, including during the term of the contract (if agreed by the parties).
Total Quantity or Scope
Located directly behind York Railway Station, the York Central Site extends to 45 hectares (111 acres) and is majority owned by Network Rail and Homes England whilst also incorporating other land in third party ownership that falls within the boundary of the outline planning permission. The land potentially falling within the property to be made available for drawdown by the Development Partner (the Development Site) is primarily owned by the Landowners but also includes land owned by third parties (as described within the Development Brief available on ProContract). An outline planning permission for the mixed-use development was granted in 2019 and subsequently a reserved matters application was approved in 2020 for a significant first phase of infrastructure being delivered by the Landowners. The Landowners have the following objectives: - Secure a long-term Development Partner (singular or consortium) with knowledge, expertise and track record to deliver and improve upon the illustrative masterplan envisaged within the overarching vision. - Consider the potential for delivery of the Project through different structures, such as contractual/corporate joint ventures, in dialogue with developers and wider government. - Procure a Development Partner that can demonstrate and evidence a credible funding plan. - Secure pre-lets & occupiers for the Development Site and deliver the scheme within the required timescales. - Create a new vibrant mixed-use quarter of the City Centre for the benefit of all, incorporating the high-quality public realm. - Provide a mixed-use development which responds to the existing outline planning permission. - Secure a development proposal that achieves high quality of the design envisaged by the approved Design Code and is compliant with the Building for Healthy Life criteria. - Secure a Development Partner which looks to deliver high quality public realm early in the development process and ensures long term stewardship in perpetuity. - Deliver Western Station Entrance early on in the development to provide a high-quality gateway to the development. - Deliver a low carbon sustainable development which increases social value by improving equality and wellbeing. - Work in collaboration with stakeholders to achieve comprehensive timely delivery. The Development Partner will undertake a wide range of activities to meet the Landowner’s objectives (as set out in Section 2 of this document) including but not limited to creating Development Site proposals, undertaking design, securing consents including reserved matters planning consents, funding and/or raising of development finance, procuring third-party contractors, managing the supply chain, delivering the development, marketing and attracting occupiers/residents.
Award Criteria
Quality | 70 |
price | 30 |
CPV Codes
- 45000000 - Construction work
- 45111000 - Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
- 45211000 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
- 45211360 - Urban development construction work
- 45212000 - Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
- 45213100 - Construction work for commercial buildings
- 45213150 - Office block construction work
- 45221112 - Railway bridge construction work
- 45221242 - Railway tunnel construction work
- 70110000 - Development services of real estate
- 70310000 - Building rental or sale services
- 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
- Renewals are not available.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Additional conditions regarding this Notice: 1) The value at II.1.5. Estimated value, is the envisaged gross development value (GDV) of the planned development 2) The information contained in this notice may be subject to change due to the impact of governance, assurance and regulatory changes. Insofar as permitted by law, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and Homes England shall not be liable for any losses incurred by any party as a result of reliance on the information contained/linked herein. The Landowners may cancel or abandon this procurement at any time and may not award any contract and accepts no liability to bidders for their participation in this procurement; 3) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and Homes England reserve the right to include this requirement within alternative procurements; 4) The dates stated in this notice are indicative and subject to change; 5) Section I.1 is listed as Network Rail. Homes England is the joint contracting authority; 6) I.5 is listed as Railway Services as this is the main activity for Network Rail. Homes England's main activity is Housing; 7) Within section I.1: Contracting Authority both the website addresses of Network Rail and Homes England are included. 8) The additional CPV codes are not an exhaustive list. The opportunity can be accessed via Home England’s e-Tendering system. Tenderers wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and submit a tender through our e-Tendering system. If not already registered, candidates should register at https://procontract.due-north.com/Login All discussions, meetings, and communications will be conducted in English. The contract will be subject to English law. Tenders and all supporting documents must be priced in GBP and all payments under the contract will be made in GBP.
- ocds-h6vhtk-032b0b
- FTS 018635-2022