Beaufort Road/Wallasey Bridge Road - Ped/Cycle Improvements

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Works)
4.5 month
18 Jul 2022
10 Oct 2022 to 24 Feb 2023
17 Aug 2022 11:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Installation of improved cycle and pedestrian facilities along Beaufort Road and Wallasey Bridge Road

Total Quantity or Scope

Wirral Council wish to engage a Contractor for works for: • All works as required to construct 1200m of shared cycleway-footway with associated soft and hard landscaping using high-quality public realm materials and street furniture. • The work includes the installation of a parallel/zebra crossing facility for both pedestrians and cyclists on Beaufort Road and a traffic island on Wallasey Bridge Road. • Programming of the works, liaison and co-ordination with Wirral Council staff, designated Peel representatives and/or agents (in accordance with protocols to be agreed with Wirral Council) and any affected property owners. • Site Clearance (removal of street furniture, vegetation, tree root systems) and removal of soft and hard verges including footways. The required tree removal adjacent to the kerb line has already been carried out, however, the tree root systems are still present. The tree removal plan has been provided so that contractors are fully aware of the locations of the root systems that will need to be removed as part of site clearance mentioned in the works information. • Removal of carriageway surfacing, kerbing and provision of new carriageway construction, PCC kerbing and edging. • Existing kerbs in good condition to remain and renew damaged kerbs as necessary. • New hard verge (footway) construction - paved and bitmac (inc tactile ‘blister’ and ‘corduroy’ type paving etc). • All works as required to undertake all soft verge and landscaping works identified, including: excavation, disposal of suitable / unsuitable material, imported fill, levelling and shaping works, tree / shrub planting and seeding. • The contractor is responsible for all planting for 3 seasons/years as per Vol 3 – specification and appendices. • Boundary fencing (including vehicular and pedestrian gates as indicated). • Non-illuminated traffic signs (inc ducting and connections) and new cycle bollards as specified). • Provision of service corridors and access chambers as identified and detailed, including digital futureproofing infrastructure (four purple duct and chamber(s)) arrangement to CA spec as identified and detailed. • All identified drainage works, including all works as may be necessary for the provision of required pipework, connections, Gullies/KCDB, manholes. • Desilting of drains that may affect the scheme. • Utilities related management and provisions including protection and temporary arrangements during the contract. It is the Contractor’s own responsibility to satisfy themselves with regards to the location, nature and status of any utilities infrastructure prior to any works on-site and to undertake sufficient risk assessments for their required works taking into account any other relevant health and safety legislation/regulations. It is not expected to change statutory undertakers equipment. • Temporary diversion / traffic management on live carriageway (as required) during works undertaken. • Assume that works at private accessed will be carried out during daytime hours but allow for weekend working due to the nature of the businesses on Beaufort Road and Wallasey Bridge Road. • Temporary closure around the worksite to exclude and protect pedestrian users. • Unhindered access to adjacent development works must be maintained for the duration of the contract. Liaison / negotiation between Wirral Council and the 3rd party contractor / developer and may need to be reviewed as the contract progresses. • Existing rail tracks that are within the boundary of this scheme will be removed by the land owner before the commencement of the scheme but please allow for the removal of concrete sleepers. • Contractors are recommended to visit the site before considering their response. • Please allow for all soil to go off side and subsoil to to BS 8601:2013 and topsoil to BS 3882. • Site investigation of the area has not detected endangered or invasive plant species. Any findings of such species during the works will be dealt with through compensation events. • It is assumed that all materials are free from contaminants, should contaminated material be discovered on site during construction, this will be dealt with through compensation events. • A site for a compound will be made available within Peel owned land located behind the footway on Wallasey Bridge Road. • It is the Contractor’s own responsibility to satisfy themselves with regards to the location, nature and status of any utilities infrastructure prior to any works on-site and to undertake sufficient risk assessments for their required works taking into account any other relevant health and safety legislation/regulations. • Tenderers will be required to use Built Intelligence FastDraft Contract Management System for the ongoing management of the contract through to completion of the work.

Award Criteria

Quality 40
Social Value 10
price 50

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

