RSI Accommodation Based Support Hub

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
26 Jul 2022
not specified
19 Aug 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


MARKET ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY . Rough sleeping (RS) can be a transitory state & many experience a 'revolving door' cycle, moving in and out of short-term accommodation. . The Council wishes to continue commissioning the provision of a temporary RSI (Rough Sleeper Initiative) Accommodation-based Support Hub for adults who are homeless, RS or at risk of RS & will form part of the Council's RSI Pathway. . The hub will provide a more accessible, appropriate, coordinated approach to supporting vulnerable people & find long-term sustainable housing options. . The hub will support people RS off the streets or people who are of greater risk of RS. The service will help develop individual's wellbeing and stability, ultimately supporting them to achieve & maintain independence, reducing the number of people RS in both the short and longer term. . Information on the virtual engagement event will be provided following registration. . Potential Providers should register their interest via the YorTender Portal by 12 Noon on Friday 19th August 2022, provide attendee details including attendee name position & email address via the messaging function. . Full details, including a copy of the DRAFT specification is available at, which is the link to the (Mercell Eu-Supply) YORtender tender portal site. The specific ref for this event is YORtender Ref. 56586 . For support with registration on the YORtender website or if you are having difficulties accessing the documents through YORtender, please contact the YORtender helpdesk via email to . Interested parties are requested to complete by Friday 19th August 2022, a Soft Market Test Questionnaire which can be accessed via the following weblink. . . Any feedback in terms of the draft specification that you think the council needs to consider or clarify within the specification should also be submitted by Friday 19th August via the YorTender portal messaging system. . The purpose of this initial engagement phase is to help inform the Council's options & further decision making. . For the avoidance of doubt, this PIN is intended as an awareness/information gathering exercise only & is not a call to competition, is not a pre-qualification process & is not the start of a formal procurement exercise. . Participation or non-participation in this pre-procurement market engagement shall not prevent any potential provider participating in, nor shall it place any potential provider at an advantage in any future procurement opportunity. . Any future procurement opportunity is expected to be published on or around 24th September 2022. however, this timeframe is indicative only and the Council reserves the right to reschedule any forthcoming publication at any time.

CPV Codes

  • 85144000 - Residential health facilities services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The value indicated is an estimate only for the total potential contract duration of 4 years. Funding for the initial 2 years is £342,156 and will be fixed. It is expected that any extension would be for a similar sum however this would be subject receipt of further funding being secured by the Council.

