Home Office Reintegration Programme

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
28 month
26 Jul 2022
01 Dec 2022 to 31 Mar 2025
30 Sep 2022 10:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


To support the Home Office's key priorities of tackling illegal migration, removing those with no right to be here and protecting the vulnerable; the department is seeking a provider(s) to deliver reintegration services to support returning individuals from the United Kingdom (UK) in a number of countries. Reintegration is a key component of Objective 21 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration to 'cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration' with the Home Office seeking to reduce the burden on states when receiving their nationals and help them to become self-sufficient and reintegrate sustainable. Countries of operation are: 1 Albania 2 Bangladesh 3 Ghana 4 India 5 Iraq 6 Jamaica 7 Nigeria 8 Pakistan 9 Vietnam 10 Zimbabwe The Home Office invites bids from non-statutory sector organisations that are charities and non-profit making organisations in England and Wales and overseas to provide: • Pre-departure information - produce information sheet with country specific information and provide opportunity to contact bidder directly. • Provision of care hygiene packs and PPE along with covid testing if required. • Meet and greet at the airport - meet returning individuals at the airport of arrival to address immediate needs. • Access to temporary accommodation upon arrival (for 5 nights but total number of nights can be determined with potential bidder should country context permit). • Onward transportation to in-country destination. • Signposting to locally available services, such as housing, health services, social support, educational support, legal services, redocumentation and financial services. • Family tracing and reunification. • Support with setting up a business or educational opportunity. • Entrepreneurship fund, including co-payment between the returning individual and the bidder to establish a business opportunity. • Assist with returning individuals obtaining the necessary documentation/ID. • Psychosocial counselling focusing on the mental wellbeing of returning individuals. • Support with job counselling and access to the local labour market. • Management of an entrepreneurship fund (amount to be determined). • Legal migration pathways and ethical recruitment. • Monitoring and evaluation of returning individual's reintegration outcomes The Home Office welcomes applications from those organisations who: • can demonstrate a strong understanding of reintegration and the associated activities entailed within this space. • willingness to work with returning individuals who have been convicted in the UK criminal justice system (Foreign National Offenders). • have a strong track record of safeguarding and adherence and safeguarding processes/modern slavery.

CPV Codes

  • 98910000 - Services specific to international organisations and bodies


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS In December 2016, the Cabinet Office launched its minimum standards for government grants: These include the requirement that competition should be the default option when considering award of grant funding. To comply, the Home Office manages its competitions using their Jaggaer eSourcing portal. How to register In order to bid for funding, bidders will first need to register on the Home Office (HO) Jaggaer portal via the following link: https://homeoffice.app.jaggaer.com/web/login.html Bidders should be approved for usage within 24 hours of registering on the system. After clicking on the eSourcing portal link, it should take you to the home page. On the left-hand side of this page, just below the login boxes, there is an option to register. To register as a supplier, you will need to provide information which will include: • the full legal name of your organisation • your DUNS number - a unique nine-digit number provided to organisations free of charge by Dun & Bradstreet • profile information describing your organisation and the size of your business Once registered as a supplier on the portal please send a notification e-mail to HOCommercial.Reintegration@homeoffice.gov.uk to request access to the associated documents for the Home Office Reintegration Programme competition. If you have any difficulties registering on the system, then you should contact the Supplier eSourcing Helpdesk: customersupport@jaggaer.com The HO Jaggaer eSourcing portal is independent of other eSourcing portals. Therefore, if you have registered on the Crown Commercial Service Jaggaer eSourcing portal, you will also need to register on the HO Jaggaer eSourcing portal. Please note that bids will only be accepted via the HO eSourcing portal. Any bids received outside of this system will not be considered. Please note that registering for access to the eSourcing portal will not make you a Home Office supplier. To be considered for the award of funding you must first respond to an opportunity. Further information about procurement at the Home Office can be found on the gov.uk website. About the buyer Address The Home Office 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF England Email: HOCommercial.Reintegration@homeoffice.gov.uk Other information How to apply Once successfully registered on the system you should email HOCommercial.Reintegration@homeoffice.gov.uk. You will then be given access to the event on the eSourcing portal, where you will find all the documentation needed. Applications for the fund will be submitted via the eSourcing portal. CFN - Reintegration 2022 - FINAL.pdf

