Woolwich Ferry Linkspan Maintenance
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year
- Value
- £0-£1M
- Sector
- Published
- 05 Sep 2022
- Delivery
- To 15 Sep 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- 06 Oct 2022 11:00
1 buyer
- Transport for London London
TfL is establishing a single contract for the maintenance of Woolwich Ferry’s Linkspans and associated infrastructure as outlined in this Contract Notice and as more particularly described in the procurement documents. The scope of the contract will include: planned preventative maintenance which includes proactive minor capital renewals, cleaning, mechanical and electrical activities, emergency (incident) response & repair, reactive response & repair, winter maintenance, safety inspections, health and safety assistance to third parties, minor capital intervention works including any necessary design input and the provision of parts & materials. The intended start date of the contract is January 2023.
Total Quantity or Scope
The Woolwich Ferry has two terminals, one south of the River Thames and one to the north of the river. Each terminal contains two Linkspans which act as a drawbridge that provides vehicle and pedestrian/cycle access and egress between the ferry and the terminals. The Linkspans need to be regularly maintained and the scope of this procurement includes: • Condition surveys, including non-destructive testing and maintenance of • Counterweight systems • Yoke pins • Hoist bottom ends including Orkot bushes • Sprag mechanical linkages • Battle deck bearings • Road deck rocker bearings • Source or manufacture replacement parts • Temporary works to access the Linkspans for maintenance purposes • Maintenance and renewal of other TfL marine infrastructure • Minimising any effects of the maintenance works on the operational performance of the ferry. The contract is anticipated to last for approximately twelve months including delivery of the 5 yearly maintenance requirements, with an option to undertake further routine and reactive maintenance works up to a maximum of four years. Due to operational and infrastructure constraints, TfL are looking to maintain the ferry service whilst the maintenance works are undertaken. This may require the supplier to work outside of the Woolwich Ferry operational hours. The supplier will need to liaise with stakeholder during the course of the works and may need to gain any necessary consent from and/or be licensed by the Port of London Authority (PLA) undertake these types of works on the River Thames, London. The scope also includes non-routine maintenance for activities (including any necessary design input) for works such as defect rectification, the replacement of minor assets and some minor capital renewals. The Supplier will need to be available at all times to respond to these requests.
CPV Codes
- 50240000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment
- This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
- Renewals are not available.
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The procurement process is being conducted by TfL (a functional body of the Greater London Authority (GLA)) under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This contract notice (and the associated procurement documents) are published in good faith. No warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in it. Any liability for inaccuracy or incompleteness is expressly disclaimed by TfL and its advisors. Nothing in this contract notice (and the associated procurement documents) will be taken as constituting an offer (whether implied or otherwise), or any agreement, whether express or implied between TfL and any other party. TfL reserves the right to withdraw from, cancel or amend the procurement process and may award the contract in whole, in part, or not at all as a result of this call for competition with no liability on its part. TfL shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any candidates in considering and/or responding to the procurement process and/or resulting from any amendment or cancellation of this procurement exercise. Economic operators submit a response to this procurement at their own risk. Tenders and supporting documents must be priced in Pounds Sterling and all payments made under the contract will be in Pounds Sterling, unless otherwise advised. To express an interest in this tender, economic operators need to complete and submit a response to the tender documents by the deadline date in Section IV.2.2. To access the procurement documents and complete them, an economic operator will need to be registered on the online e-tendering portal. To register or to check if you are already registered log on to https://procontract.due-north.com/Register. Economic Operator’s must register their interest in this opportunity in order to access the tender documents . Further instructions and guidance are included in the questionnaire and other procurement documents. Economic operators must read the instructions carefully before proceeding with registration and are advised to satisfy themselves that they understand all the requirements of this contract and the procurement exercise before submitting their response.
- ocds-h6vhtk-033eaf
- FTS 024791-2022