(NU/1433-27) iFAST: The Provision of Business Consultancy to Assist Commercialisation of University Research

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
not specified
21 Oct 2022
not specified



Newcastle Upon Tyne

Geochart for 7 buyers and 1 suppliers
Newcastle University
Durham University
Sunderland University
Teesside University
J & T King Consulting
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

7 buyers

1 supplier


The emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is a growing public health problem. In 2015, there were nearly 700,0000 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) infections in the EU, accounting for 33,000 deaths and 900,000 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) . In fact the impact of AMR is similar to the combined burden of influenza, tuberculosis, and HIV, and the global increases in healthcare costs is forecast to range from $300 billion to more than $1 trillion per year by 2050. We have developed a breakthrough technology that delivers an antibiotic resistance test result in 1 hour. The technique rapidly measures phenotypic changes in bacteria after exposure to antibiotics. The objective is for the Executive (CEO Desig) to jointly work in a team with all above named individuals to bring the opportunity.

Total Quantity or Scope

Newcastle, Sunderland, Northumbria, Durham, Teesside universities together with the University of Bath on behalf of the SETsquared Partnership (the Enterprise collaboration of the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey) and any other HE Institution that wishes to join this DPS, as detailed in the Office for Students Register, https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/the-register/the-ofs-re... will engage suitably qualified and experienced executives through the DPS as and when required over the DPS period. The specific requirements will be detailed in each individual further competition. The typical brief of an executive will be to: (a) Produce a viable business plan; (b) Obtain university approval for the venture; (c) Act for the company in the spin-out legal process and address all company formation matters; (d) Provide to the appropriate university all matters necessary for Research England and ESIF reporting requirements; (e) Secure (venture capital and/or other) funding in accordance with the business plan. This will be a cyclical process throughout the entire Research England, and potential ESIF project along with any additional funding streams.

Award Detail

1 J & T King Consulting (Hampshire)
  • iFAST: The Provision of Business Consultancy to Assist Commercialisation of University Research
  • Reference: (nu/1433-27)
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £30,000
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

Ability to meet the required programme _
Quality: Ability to meet the Job Description _
Equity 15.0
PRICE 25.0

CPV Codes

  • 79410000 - Business and management consultancy services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

This an award from a DPS framework there was no pin and the contract notice was for the overall DPS itself. Overall Official Journal reference for the overall DPS is OJ S: 2022/S 186-528050

