Market Engagement - Supported Living - Housing Provision

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
17 month
04 Nov 2022
05 Nov 2022 to 31 Mar 2024
01 Dec 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Invitation to attend a virtual market engagement event to explore how Bath and North East Somerset Council can work with Registered (housing) Providers and supported living/housing partners/landlords to deliver innovative and affordable housing solutions for working age adults who have health and care support needs. Date: Thursday 8th December 2022 Time: 10am - 11.30am Venue: MS Teams - link to follow How to get involved: Email Specialist_Commissioning@BATHNES.Gov.UK to register your place Who should attend? Registered providers, supported living housing providers, supported housing providers and landlords. Why attend? There has been little planned or commissioned growth of local community-based supported housing for people with eligible health and care needs over the last 7-8 years which has resulted in an undersupply in Bath & North East Somerset. As a result, we have an increasing reliance on residential care and out of area placements to meet people's statutory eligible care and support needs. The lack of suitable housing, (including supported living), has been identified as a particular barrier to meeting our aspirations and strategic direction that home is best. Therefore we are keen to engage with providers to jointly explore the challenges, possible solutions and opportunities for working together to address identified gaps. Our high level aims include: • ensuring people who use services are included in the planning and design of services • increasing the range and the amount of long-term housing with care and support for residents of B&NES with health and care needs that are preparing for adulthood and working age adults. • ensuring people only stay in or are admitted to hospital when they require treatment • ensuring people who need it are able to make use of short-term accommodation and support to enable continued independent living • improving outcomes and quality of life for people with care and support needs • reducing the need for out-of-area placements by supporting the market to grow what we need locally • ensuring developments meet the expected quality standards set by Homes England and where required are bespoke to individual need. We hope you can join us. To register for the event on 08/12/22 please email Specialist_Commissioning@BATHNES.GOV.UK by 5pm on 01/12/22. Please specify the email addresses of those to be sent invites. As this is an MS Teams event representation will be limited to two people per organisation. We look forward to meeting you virtually, sharing some current context for B&NES, our strategic approach and exploring future models of housing.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

