Future Skills Programme

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
15 Nov 2022
not specified



United Kingdom: The HMPPS Prison Estate in England and Wales

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Future Skills Programme is one strand of the Employability Innovation Fund. The fund was announced in the Prisons Strategy White Paper (December 2021) to enable prisons to work with organisations to deliver sector-specific training to meet the changing needs of the economy and smooth the path from prison to employment. The programme offers employers the opportunity to develop and run bespoke skills training courses for prisoners approaching release. These courses will provide prison leavers with a route to work, and employers with a talent pool that matches their specific needs and values.

Total Quantity or Scope

Our Vision The Future Skills Programme will equip prisoners approaching the end of their sentence with the necessary skills and employer relationships to secure sustainable employment on release. Our Ambition Skills training will be delivered across multiple prisons between 2023 and 2025 to support prison leavers into employment. We want to develop truly innovative approaches to equipping prison leavers with skills to get and sustain jobs for the future. Any programme will include, as a minimum, a guaranteed interview and ideally a job commitment for those that complete the course. Our Plan We want to work with businesses who have recruitment needs and will commit to providing job opportunities. We are keen to engage with a diverse range of businesses across traditional and growth sectors that can offer prisoners a life changing opportunity. Why work with us? The Future Skills Programme will offer a range of potential benefits to employers, including: • access to a diverse talent pool from which to cost-effectively recruit • the ability to deliver bespoke sector-specific training to meet your business needs • the opportunity to upskill individuals who are motivated and ready to work, and who are proven to have high levels of retention, reliability, and performance • dedicated support from the skills and work teams in prisons, and • an opportunity to test and shape innovative approaches to rehabilitation in partnership with HMPPS. In issuing this Prior Information Notice, HMPPS is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement with a view to initiating market consultation on the 5th December 2022. We are keen to hear views from a wide range of employers and training providers. We want to understand more about existing practice, innovative delivery designs, identified barriers to employment for prison leavers, and potential procurement routes. We reserve the right to supplement and vary the conduct of the prior engagement process. Where we do this, we will act transparently and treat all suppliers who have expressed an interest equally. Please note that the MoJ and its advisors give no warranty in respect of the accuracy, permanence or completeness of any information provided. Reliance on, or use of, any such information is entirely at the risk of the person so doing and, save in the case of fraud, under no circumstances will the MoJ or any of its advisors be liable for or accept any responsibility for any cost, expense or liability incurred by any person relying upon or using such information. The procurement exercise will run via the eSourcing portal https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk. You can register here.

CPV Codes

  • 80500000 - Training services
  • 03000000 - Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
  • 09000000 - Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy
  • 32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
  • 32523000 - Telecommunications facilities
  • 34000000 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
  • 35000000 - Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment
  • 41000000 - Collected and purified water
  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
  • 55000000 - Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services
  • 60000000 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
  • 64000000 - Postal and telecommunications services
  • 65000000 - Public utilities
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 72212480 - Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services
  • 75231200 - Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
  • 77000000 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
  • 77310000 - Planting and maintenance services of green areas
  • 79634000 - Career guidance services
  • 79998000 - Coaching services
  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80511000 - Staff training services
  • 80530000 - Vocational training services
  • 80531000 - Industrial and technical training services
  • 80532000 - Management training services
  • 80570000 - Personal development training services
  • 80590000 - Tutorial services
  • 90514000 - Refuse recycling services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
  • 98110000 - Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations

Other Information

In issuing this Prior Information Notice, the MoJ is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement with a view to having a virtual market engagement session on 5th December 2022 at 14:00. This will be recorded if you are unable to attend this session. The Future Skills Programme (FSP) is separate to the Prisoner Education Service (PES) programme for which some suppliers may have already registered. Both programmes form part of our overarching ambition to ensure prisoners can access the skills and qualifications they need to get into employment on release. To access the FSP Market Engagement and related information, organisations need to register separately on Jaggaer, following the instructions in this PIN. Businesses (suppliers) interested in participating in the FSP Market Engagement should confirm their interest by 30th November 2022 by email to Futureskillsprogramme@justice.gov.uk clearly stating "FSP Market Engagement" in the subject line. The form of response should be limited to the provision of a single point of contact (full company name, contact name, job title, e-mail address and telephone number). The Authority will then issue invitations to all interested parties, confirming the timings and MS Teams link to the event. The PES programme will deliver future Adult Prisoner Education Services (PES) in England. Following Market Engagement with a wide range of prospective suppliers, we will shortly commence Market Warming – look out for communications coming soon. If you have not registered for PES market warming and next steps you can still register here https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/a3b29677-949f-42c2-98be-250417... ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

