A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 month
28 Nov 2022
04 Jan 2023 to 31 Mar 2023
09 Dec 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


This Request for Information (RFI) seeks information relating to design, prototyping and testing of a range of digital consumer experiences and publisher services on web, apps, and social media platforms for GOV.UK, part of the Government Digital Service. It also seeks information relating to work to review and suggest progressive updates to the GOV.UK brand. The Government Digital Service Strategy for 2021-24 includes the mission of making GOV.UK the single and trusted online destination for government information and services. Significant progress has been made in delivering product improvements, and on delivering against the government's priority objectives during Brexit and COVID. Record levels of public use of GOV.UK has been seen during this time. The existing GOV.UK roadmap outlines current priorities and work in progress. Work is now progressing to update these near term priorities to maximise the value that can be delivered for users, and to update strategic aims for the period beyond 2024, taking into account changes in the digital landscape and wider society. The Customer is looking for one or more Suppliers to deliver the following aims: A new vision and future proposition of GOV.UK is being defined. The goal is to visually describe an achievable but ambitious future GOV.UK proposition, that can be used by the GOV.UK team, and our stakeholders, to provide inspiration, clarity of direction and a framework for how we test and measure our progress. Lot 1: Solution ideation, design and prototyping support In order to progress rapidly and in a user centric manner, an agile prototyping approach is being used. We will be supplementing existing internal design and development teams to work on specific discovery projects where we will test design assumptions for future products and services. Lot 2: Brand Guidelines review and update GOV.UK has an established, recognisable brand, with consistent brand recognition scores. We want to ensure that this brand carries / covers through new strategy, includes all demographics and supports the growth of GOV.UK so are looking for formal review and suggested next steps / designs / prototypes that align with current delivery and future strategy. [See attachment - RFI/Expression of Interest] - Only those that respond to the RFI may be considered for this opportunity.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

- - - Request for Information - - - Attachment contains specification and details on how to express interest in this opportunity WP2133 DESIGN AGENCY RFI.pdf

