Glasgow Business Growth Framework - Phase 3

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
4 year
18 Jan 2023
To 27 Jan 2027 (est.)
17 Feb 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Glasgow City Council (the Council) requires a framework of suppliers to deliver a range of business growth consultancy services to eligible organisations across the city to aide a sustainable growth agenda and improve business start-up and survival rates. As the organisations accessing support via this Framework have different needs, the services provided must be offered flexibly. This includes, but is not limited to, face to face, digitally, by phone and one to one at suitable times and locations. The Framework is made up of 10 Lots as detailed below and aligned to the specialist area of business support to be provided. Please note funding totaling 1.9m GBP is currently confirmed for the first two years of the Framework. This therefore represents the estimated minimum total Framework value. Should funding equal to this initial value be subsequently secured this will be used to deliver years three and four respectively and aligns with the higher maximum value noted in II.1.5 Lot 1- Business Structuring Lot 2 - Business Growth Lot 3 - Leadership, Skills and Resource Lot 4 - Business Financial Management Lot 5 - Design Thinking and Innovation Lot 6 - Sales and Marketing Lot 7 -Internationalisation Lot 8 - Digital Lot 9 - Green Business Support Lot 10 - Business Acceleration

Lot Division

1 Business Structuring

The Business Structuring Lot will provide specialist consultancy support to help determine the assignment and coordination of roles, power and responsibilities and define how information flows between the different levels of management within a business. Specific sub-category services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Board Development Company Structuring Franchising Business Succession/Acquisition / Management Buy outs/ Employee ownership Company Governance, Business Law / Contracts Ethical Management Intellectual Property

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
2 Business Growth

The Business Growth Lot will provide specialist consultancy support to identify areas of improvement processes which help to improve some measure of an organisations success. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Strategic Planning Change Management Pitching and Procurement Operations Management Turnaround Mergers and Acquisition

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
3 Leadership, Skills and Resource

The Leadership, Skills and Resource Lot will provide specialist consultancy support that may involve reviewing existing leadership development processes and preparing a report on their future suitability and/or making recommendations for future actions. This also includes capacity building and comprehensive HR support. Specific sub-category services to be delivered under this Lot include, but are not limited to - Organisational Development and Succession Planning Leadership and Management Accreditation Capacity Building and HR Support Hybrid Working / Remote Leadership Skills

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
4 Business Financial Management

The Business Financial Management Lot will provide specialist consultancy support across a range of areas which will help with the efficient and effective management of money / funds in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organisation. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Financial Management Financial Readiness Preparing for Investment Alternative Finance Company Valuation / Succession Planning Taxation Cloud Accounting Turnaround Mergers and Acquisition

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
5 Design Thinking and Innovation

The Design Thinking & Innovation Lot will provide specialist consultancy services to help integrate design thinking principles into a range of organisations across different industry sectors and will support the development of organisational processes for introducing new ideas, workflows, methodologies, services and/or products. This should help enable the achievement of goals across the entire organisation, with sights set on accomplishing core business aims and initiatives. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to Problem Solving Development Testing and validation Understanding Innovation (Architectural, Radical, Incremental and Disruptive) Product (Market-driven) Innovation Process (Technology-driven) Innovation: Service (Business Model) Innovation Service Products

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SME’s 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
6 Sales and Marketing

Expert consultancy services under the Sales and Marketing Lot will assist businesses with the practical approach to marketing, including writing a marketing plan and establishing a marketing communications plan for integrating traditional and digital communications. It will also offer support with developing a marketing and/ or sales strategy, with pricing and market penetration strategies Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to Sales Marketing Strategies Branding

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
7 Internationalisation

The Internationalisation Lot will provide specialist consultancy support to businesses to access overseas markets, offering an opportunity to increase sales to a much wider customer base. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Support for Importing / Exporting/ Taxes and Tariffs Market Analysis and Development Structuring for Internationalisation / international Strategy Visa Sponsorship Licensing

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
8 Digital Development and Innovation

The Digital Development and Innovation Lot will provide specialist consultancy support to businesses to use technology to benefit their internal and/or external operations. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Social Media Data Analytics and exploitation Customisation of software or App development Expertise to support the business to exploit technology for business improvement Cyber Security and GDPR

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
9 Green Business Support

The Green Business Support Lot will offer specialist consultancy services to help businesses improve their practices and environmental performance, whilst simultaneously reducing costs and building long-term resilience to the impacts of climate change. Specific sub-categories services to be delivered under this Lot include but are not limited to- Energy Efficiency and Renewables Circular Economy Climate Resilience and Adaptation Sustainability Active Travel

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5
10 Business Acceleration

This Lot will provide support in a different, more targeted, and innovative way for organisations at various stages of growth. These interventions could focus on emerging themes and would target the key and emerging sectors. They could combine traditional teaching methodologies with guidance and mentorship. These programmes could include expert services as outlined in Lots 1-9 Business Growth; Business Structuring; Leadership and Skills; Financial Management; Design Thinking and Innovation; Sales and Marketing; Internationalisation; Digital Development and Innovation and Green Business Support. Learning-by-doing is vital to the process of scaling any venture, and the point of any type of acceleration programme is to accelerate that process. In this way, businesses are able to compress a large amount of learning into a shorter period of time. The Accelerator programmes will deliver specialist consultancy support that is relevant, accessible and practical for ambitious businesses in the city looking to scale up.

Award Criteria
Service Delivery and Approach 30
Team and Account Management 20
Commitment to the City and Ethics 10
Knowledge of SMEs 10
Inclusive Growth 5
Understanding of Social Enterprises 10
Sustainability 5
Fair Work First 5
price 5

Renewal Options

The Framework is funded via a drawn down from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which is confirmed for 2 years. If funding arrangements are extended, the Framework term will be extended accordingly. The Framework is therefore expected to run for an an initial period of 2 years with the council retaining the option to extend for 2 further periods of 12 months each

CPV Codes

  • 79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
  • 72221000 - Business analysis consultancy services
  • 72224000 - Project management consultancy services
  • 79411100 - Business development consultancy services
  • 79411000 - General management consultancy services
  • 79418000 - Procurement consultancy services
  • 79410000 - Business and management consultancy services
  • 66519310 - Insurance consultancy services
  • 79414000 - Human resources management consultancy services
  • 66171000 - Financial consultancy services
  • 66170000 - Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
  • 79412000 - Financial management consultancy services
  • 79415200 - Design consultancy services
  • 72242000 - Design-modelling services
  • 72413000 - World wide web (www) site design services
  • 79421200 - Project-design services other than for construction work
  • 79822500 - Graphic design services
  • 79930000 - Specialty design services
  • 79933000 - Design support services
  • 79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
  • 72212481 - Sales or marketing software development services
  • 79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
  • 79342000 - Marketing services
  • 73220000 - Development consultancy services
  • 71314300 - Energy-efficiency consultancy services
  • 72220000 - Systems and technical consultancy services
  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • 90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Technical restrictions apply.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Council are seeking to appoint 5-7 suppliers per Lot. All Lots will be unranked. Bidders may be excluded from this competition if they are in any situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.Bidders must hold certificates for Quality Assurance & Environmental Management Standards or comply with all questions noted in the SPD Section 4D. Bidders are also required to provide detail of all relevant industry standards, accreditation, affiliations or memberships that they may hold. Freedom of Information Act Information on the FOI Act is contained in Appendix A of the ITT. Applicants must note the implications of this legislation and ensure that any information they wish the council to consider withholding is specifically indicated on the FOI certificate (NB the council does not binditself to withhold this information). Tenderers Amendments Bidders must enter any clause, condition, amendment to specification or any other qualification they may wish to make conditional to this offer. Prompt Payment The successful Suppliers shall, as a condition of being awarded the tender, be required to demonstrate to the Council's satisfaction that all funds due to the Supplier's permitted sub-contractors in respect of these services are paid timeously and that as a minimum invoices renderedby subcontractors shall (unless formally disputed by the tenderer) be paid within 30 days of receipt. The successful Bidders shall also impose this condition on its sub-contractors in respect of payments due to any sub-sub-contractors, if any. Non Collusion Bidders will be required to complete the Non Collusion certificate. Insurance Mandate All successful suppliers will be required to sign an Insurance Mandate, contained in the suppliers attachments area within PCS-T authorising the Council to request copies of insurance documents from the supplier’s insurance provider. If the mandate is not signed and returned the Council reserves the right to request copies of insurance certificates from bidders at any point during the contract period. Terms and Conditions are located within the attachments area within the PCS Tender portal referenced Document 3. Additional information pertaining to this framework is contained in the ITT Document One. Bidders must ensure they read all the attachments available in the attachment area in line with this contract notice. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 23169. For more information see The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 23169. For more information see: A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Delivery of community benefits is mandatory but is only subject to commencement once a supplier has reached a set threshold of awarded days. These days are cumulative and will be calculated across all Lots a supplier is appointed to. This initial threshold is 10 days. Once this has been met – the below thresholds and community benefit delivery requirements apply; For each day of work awarded beyond the 10-day threshold, suppliers will be required to deliver 1 hour of Business Mentoring support. For each day of work awarded beyond 70 days, suppliers will be required to deliver 1.5 hours of Business Mentoring support For each day of work awarded beyond 140 days, suppliers will be required to deliver 2 hours of Business Mentoring support. Please refer to the tender documentation for further information. (SC Ref:717235)

