CWC23024 - Oxley Health & Wellbeing Facility and Self & Custom Build Residential: Principal Designer, Lead Designer and Architectural Services
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 0.5 year
- Value
- £60K
- Sector
- Published
- 23 Feb 2023
- Delivery
- 03 Apr 2023 to 02 Oct 2023
- Deadline
- 10 Mar 2023 12:00
1 buyer
- Wolverhampton City Council Wolverhampton
City of Wolverhampton Council ("CWC" / "Council") are seeking to appoint Principal Designer, Lead Designer and Architect Services ("Consultant") for the design and development of the Oxley Health & Wellbeing Facility ("H&WF") and Self & Custom Build Residential Accommodation ("S&CB"). It is proposed the Consultant will be appointed to support the delivery of the Project for RIBA stage 4. At this stage of the RFQ and for the purposes of understanding the Consultant's fee, the bidder is only required to provide a monthly fee for RIBA Stages 5, 6 and 7. The contract term is for an initial six months, with three optional six month extensions if required. The Consultant is required to have experience in producing detailed design and specifications, traditional procurement route with Bill of Quantities ("BoQs") and in healthcare and residential development. The proposal seeks to design and develop health and residential buildings and associated public realm ("Project") on the Council owned site known as the former Oxley Day Training Centre ("Site") situated north of the City of Wolverhampton ("City") town centre. The Project consists of circa 3,000 sqm H&WF for the delivery of primary and social care services and an apartment building providing S&CB new homes.
CPV Codes
- 71200000 - Architectural and related services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
- WOLVCITY001-DN656604-17531334
- CF 15591e76-24b7-41a7-8f0c-92684c26ef44