(NU/1892) Newcastle University Flexible Power Electronics and Electric Machine Assembly Lines Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Goods)
not specified
24 Feb 2023
To 31 Dec 2024 (est.)
27 Dec 2024 16:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The Driving the Electric Revolution (DER) is an Innovate UK (IUK) Challenge program to support UK industry to seize the economic opportunities from the global transition to clean technologies and electrification. The programme will help businesses across numerous sectors including transport, energy, construction and agriculture to invest and work together to capitalise on the UK’s strengths in this technology. The DER program vision is “To make the UK globally recognised as the centre of excellence in PEMD manufacturing processes”. As part of that program, Newcastle University has been awarded a large grant to establish a new DER Innovation Centre (DER-IC) in the North East of England. The NE DER-IC will concentrate on the prototyping and scale-up of power electronics and electric motors. This document is focussed on the assembly of electric motors and the purchase of relevant equipment for that activity. The DPS Lots are as follows: 1. Metrology 2. Environmental Testing 3. Power Electronics Test Platform 4. Power Supplies 5. Test Enclosures 6. Encapsulation 7. Rotor Balancing

Lot Division

1 Metrology equipment
  • Value: £450K

This lot covers equipment to accurately measure physical geometry by 3D coordinates using laser sensors.

2 Environmental Testing Equipment
  • Value: £150K

This Lot covers all equipment to upgrade an existing thermal test chamber to include humidity.

3 Power Electronics Test Platform
  • Value: £250K

The Lot covers all equipment for the high performance test of power electronic devices, modules and circuits under conditions of power cycling and thermal cycling.

4 Power Supplies Equipment
  • Value: £575K

This Lot covers all power supplies to provide highly controllable input and loading to power electronic circuits and systems of the types used in automotive applications.

5 Test Enclosures
  • Value: £775K

This Lot covers all enclosures to provide temperature controlled environments, acoustic damping, mechanical containment, fire retardation, and fume extraction.

6 Encapsulation Equipment
  • Value: £600K

This Lot covers all equipment to dispense encapsulants, including under vacuum, for power electronics and electrical machines applications.

7 Rotor Balancing Equipment
  • Value: £200K

This Lot covers all equipment to upgrade an existing unbalance measurement system to include on-board balancing capability.

CPV Codes

  • 31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

Suppliers must indicate which lots they are applying by completing the relevant technical lot questionnaire(s). Applications to this DPS can be made by registering via the University's eTendering portal at: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=93b3301d-42b4-ed11-811f-... The contract reference is NU/1892. The deadline for submitting an application in Round 1 of this DPS is 14.00 GMT on Monday 27 March 2023. If you miss this Round 1 deadline, a new Round (2) will automatically open. Note that each round is then closed once a new application is received, and the next round will automatically open. This continues until the expiry date of this DPS ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

