Health Needs Assessment for the 0-19 population in Nottingham City
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 7 month
- Value
- £62K
- Sector
- Published
- 13 Apr 2023
- Delivery
- To 28 Nov 2023 (est.)
- Deadline
- 02 May 2023 11:00
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire: Nottingham City
1 buyer
- Nottingham Citycare Partnership CIC Nottingham
• Nottingham Public Health/CityCare/Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) are working in collaboration to invite bids from suitably qualified and experienced providers, to undertake a Health Needs Assessment for the 0-19 population. • This Health Needs Assessment will support the partners in their role of assessing and prioritising local population health needs. • SSBC are also interested in this area of work due to the impact of COVID-19 and a change in the ward boundaries during the 10 year funding period. This assessment will support all parties in ensuring that babies, children and young peoples needs are met at the earliest opportunity, and the ongoing development of Nottingham as a Child Friendly City, the local Start for Life Strategy and wider Best Start integrated commissioning plans. • A Health Needs Assessment is a systematic approach to understanding the needs of a population. The Health Needs Assessment can be used as part of the commissioning process so that the most effective support for those in the greatest need can be planned and delivered. Responding to a Health Needs Assessment provides an opportunity to improve outcomes where a population may be a group with a specific health need, school, cluster of schools, or a geographical community. • It is a holistic assessment considering social, economic, cultural and behavioural factors that influence health. In addition to readily available public health data, for example Child Health Profiles, a participatory approach should be adopted. It is important to recognise that there are different types of need, that some needs may be hidden and differing perspectives. • Understanding the community, and the needs that exist, enables commissioners to plan work to meet those needs. Additionally, the health needs assessment will enable commissioners and providers to work more closely together to ensure appropriate delivery. The requirement in Nottingham • The last desktop assessment of the health needs of children (0-5 years) was conducted in 2016 with various other Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) Chapters considering this cohort in brief. There has been a significant change in the landscape with a maturing integrated 0-19 years service; the development of the SSBC 'A Better Start' programme of activities; the creation of a new and evolving Family Hubs model and a commitment to become a UNICEF accredited Child Friendly City. Furthermore, with new census data and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic still being felt by communities, it is the right time to review the health needs of our population and understand where we do and do not meet their needs. • The Health Needs Assessment will help identify areas of focus for our continual improvement programme for 'Best Start' 0-19 years services and to guide how we prioritise and approach any opportunities to adopt the learning from the SSBC programme. • Lived experience is a key principle behind the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and a Health Needs Assessment provides that opportunity to listen and reflect on the views, attitudes and beliefs of parents and children, to ensure we have the correct offer. SSBC has placed 'parents in the lead' as a core principle and this work will build on that good practice to date.
Total Quantity or Scope
Invitation to Tender • Nottingham Public Health/CityCare/SSBC are working in collaboration to invite bids from suitably qualified, creative and experienced providers, to undertake a Health Needs Assessment for the 0-19 population, who we can work in partnership to engage with children, young people and their families to find out what it is like for them to live, go to school and work in Nottingham. • The focus is upon all children, young people, and families age 0-19 in Nottingham but with a particular lens upon Start for Life (0-5-year-olds) and then school aged children broken down into primary aged children (5-11) and secondary (11-19). Throughout the work we would want to look at how this assessment and its findings can also support Nottingham's ambitions to becoming a Child Friendly City. • We want to commission a provider who can use creative methods of engagement which are inclusive and appropriate for these groups and be delivered across a variety of settings. We would anticipate some desk top analysis work, alongside questionnaires, survey groups, face-to-face engagement with children, young people and families. • Due to school term times and exam periods it is anticipated that the timeline for this work will be negotiated with the successful provider but will broadly run from May - November with final reports submitted in December 2023. • We will require a series of reports to be produced which includes a robust interpretation of the data gathered and highlights next steps and recommendations on how the assessment and conversations started can be maintained and developed. Ideally, we would like to receive the reports by age group as completed and or receive interim reports and emerging themes from across the three age groups identified. • A range of stakeholders who need to be involved, which may involve members of the health visiting team, school nurse team, key partners for example early years, schools, local authorities, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, a stakeholder mapping exercise will need to be conducted to ensure robust consideration of stakeholders that underpins the needs assessment. • The needs assessment recommendations will take into account local and national pressures and limitations arising from them. • In addition to the funding, commissioners will provide access to existing resources and support such as parent forums and SSBC commissioned services, the provider will not rely solely on these and be expected to identify and develop resources suitable and prurient for this needs assessment. • The provider will conduct a scoping exercise jointly with the commissioning partners to set out the boundaries of the needs assessment. • Given the breadth of potential topics covered, the provider and commissioner will agree areas where more in-depth engagement and analysis is required and where recommendations for future work can be made. Project objectives • Identify health needs of 0-19-year-olds by specified age group 0-5, 5-11, 11-19. • Consider if current assets and provision are meeting the health and well-being needs of the cohort and identify gaps in service provision taking into account enablers and barriers in access to services. • Agree on recommended priorities for responding to any identified service provision or knowledge gaps. • Provide an additional layer of information and conversations/insights with children, young people and their families that will support Nottingham in its journey to being a Child Friendly City. • It is expected that engagement with stakeholders will take place face to face where ever possible. Project deliverables • Establish a steering group to oversee and guide development of the needs assessment through the governance process. • Intermediate reports depending on agreed scope. • Final Health Needs Assessment report including details of the methods used and any lessons learnt.
Award Criteria
Questions to be answered by all ITT Respondents | 80% |
price | 20% |
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
- 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
- This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
- Renewals are not available.
Other Information
• For more information see: for past JSNA chapters. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **
- ocds-h6vhtk-03be6e
- FTS 010659-2023