Development Partner including a Pre-Development Period for Meadowbank, Edinburgh

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Works)
5 year (est.)
26 May 2023
To 25 May 2028 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 3 suppliers


A Development Partner is required to deliver a Development of up to 600 homes across a mix of tenures as well as a range of active ground floor uses on land adjacent to the new Meadowbank sports centre off London Road, Edinburgh. These homes will be a mix of homes for social rent and possible mid-market rent as well as private homes for sale and rent. This project is being led by the Council’s Development & Regeneration team as part of the new build programme. The contractual arrangement with a developer, will include capital receipt for the land on which the private homes for sale and rent are built. An overage payment arrangement will also be included in the agreement in relation to the private homes for sale and rent to maximise financial returns for the Council. Bidders should note that this is a two-stage appointment with a Pre-Development Period and a subsequent Development Agreement with attendant Construction Contract and Sale Agreement

Total Quantity or Scope

The Council is seeking to appoint a Development Partner to build out the Meadowbank site via a Competition with Negotiation procurement procedure. This may involve a level of negotiation on for example; terms and conditions, site considerations and overage payments. The Development Partner is engaged via a two-stage appointment: 1. Pre-Development Period 2. Development and Construction The key outcomes for the Pre-Development Period will be, broadly Agree the Business Case for Meadowbank Wider Site with the Council – The Council will be responsible for drafting the Business Case with support from the Development Partner. The Development Partner and the Council’s Design team will develop designs for each of the sites and submit planning applications and other statutory consents; Agree the construction method(s) , including considering Modern Methods of Construction and sequencing of construction with the Council; Agree the terms of the tender documents for the appointment of any contractor(s) to be appointed by the Development Partner with the Council. The draft Construction Contract will be provided with the ITT document Agree a low-carbon energy solution for the site with the Council, and Agree and finalise contractual legal documents with the Council. Further Development Aims and Objectives This development opportunity seeks to; Deliver an exemplar, highly energy efficient and sustainable development that supports the Council’s aim of achieving net zero carbon by 2030; - Ensure Meadowbank is well connected to the existing neighbourhoods and provides priority to cyclists and pedestrians through its active travel approach; - Ensure safe and attractive public realm, quality open space and play spaces accessible to all which promote a health and wellbeing; - Deliver mixed tenure homes, of which at least 35% will be retained as affordable housing for social or mid-market rent by the Council. The remainder of the residential properties will be housing for sale and/or Build to Rent. - Deliver a mix of other community and commercial uses that will provide a vibrant, attractive place; - Promote the natural biodiversity of the area, protecting and supplementing the existing trees and vegetation through the planting strategy. The Masterplan Following extensive community engagement from between 2018 and 2020 a masterplan proposal has been developed that reflects community and Council priorities. It proposes 596 homes in a mix of flatted accommodation and “colony” style blocks. Commercial space has been provided for a GP surgery, potential early years facility and other commercial uses to be determined including retail. The Masterplan has a ‘people priority’ focus meaning it is low car and provides high quality routes for walking and wheeling. The Masterplan provides the following accommodation on the site Site A 128 Homes Site B 226 Homes Site C 242 Homes Commercial and Community Space extends 2992sqm excluding the energy centre

Award Detail

1 John Graham Construction (Glasgow)
  • Reference: ct2869
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £1,045,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
2 Miller Homes (Edinburgh)
  • Reference: ct2869
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £1,045,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
3 Places for People (Edinburgh)
  • Reference: ct2869
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £1,045,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.

Award Criteria

Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 45211000 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
  • 70111000 - Development of residential real estate
  • 45210000 - Building construction work
  • 45111291 - Site-development work
  • 45211360 - Urban development construction work
  • 70110000 - Development services of real estate
  • 71220000 - Architectural design services
  • 71320000 - Engineering design services
  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Please note that it is the intention of the Council to enter into a two stage appointment with the successful bidder which results from this procurement exercise. However it should be noted that the initial appointment shall be the Stage One Pre-Development Agreement, which will establish the draft basis upon which Stage Two would be carried out The Contractual award also involves; John Graham Holdings Limited with an office registered at 9 Deer Park Avenue, Edinburgh, EH54 8AF. Graham Investment Projects limited with an office registered at 5 Ballygowan Road, Hillsborough, County Down, BT26 6HX Panacea Property Development with an office registered at Deansgate, Manchester, M3 2ER The contractual agreement signed by all parties has to date been the Pre Development Contract. A separate award notice shall be published once the award moves beyond pre development (SC Ref:732586)

