Enhanced Supporting Living Service

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1 year
14 Jun 2023
31 Jul 2023 to 29 Jul 2024
05 Jul 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Dudley MBC are inviting providers to hear about an upcoming tendering opportunity for a new framework - Enhanced Supporting Living Services. The Enhanced Supported Living Services Framework will provide specialist support for people 17 years old and above with social care needs and; • Who may be at risk of contact with the criminal justice system and/or; • Who have a forensic history and/or present who are part of the Learning Disability and Autism Programme cohort and/or; • Present with significant complex mental health and/or behaviours that challenge The aim of this event is to provide an outline of the commissioning intentions, for commissioners to understand the interest and the market's capabilities and for potential service providers to gain a wider understanding of the scope, provide feedback and ask questions. The session will give an overview of the current services provided in Dudley, describe the Council's visions going forward and explain the procurement process. The information gathered from this exercise will help shape future proposals including any potential tendering process and associated service specification. For the avoidance of doubt, this stage of the project is not part of a formal procurement process and the Council is not committing, at this stage, to carrying out such a process.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services

Other Information

Participation or non-participation in the pre-procurement market engagement process shall not prevent any supplier participating in a potential future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of the pre-procurement process shall place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process. Participation in the pre-procurement market engagement procurement process will be at each supplier's own cost. No expense in responding to this process will be reimbursed by the Council. This is not a call for competition. The virtual provider engagement session will be held via MS Teams between 12.00pm - 1.30pm on Tuesday 11 July 2023 to provide further information about this tender opportunity. To ensure you receive a link to this event, please confirm attendance by noon on Wednesday 5 July 2023, by emailing Business.ChangeOffice@dudley.gov.uk, by quoting in the subject header 'Provider Market engagement Event'. Please confirm the name of your organisation and the individual's contact details for each person attending; note a maximum of three representatives from each organisation is permitted. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No Additional information on how to apply for this contract https://in-tendhost.co.uk/blackcountryportal/aspx/

