NHS Supply Chain Logistics Services Provider

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
10 year
29 Jun 2023
01 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2035
21 Feb 2024 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


NHS Supply Chain manage the sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products, services and food for NHS trusts and healthcare organisations across England and Wales. This includes managing more than 8 million orders per year, across 94,000 order points and 17,465 locations resulting in over 28 million lines of picked goods for delivery to the NHS annually. As part of the future Operating Model of the NHS Supply Chain, the Authority is seeking to award a contract for the provision of a Logistics Service Provider. A copy of the Procurement Documentation, including the Descriptive Document, and the Invitation to Submit Initial Tender (ISIT). A detailed description of the services required is found at Annex 3B of the ISIT The contract will be for a term of Eighty-Four months (excluding an anticipated five-month initial implementation period). In addition, the contract provides for a potential extension of up to Thirty-Six months, together with a termination assistance period of Twelve months, with the possibility of extension of the termination assistance period to up to Eighteen months. The maximum potential total period of the contract (including the implementation period) is therefore One Hundred and Forty-Three months (i.e., 11 years and 11 months). The estimated contract value does not include any termination assistance required by the Authority. The Authority intends to enter into contractual arrangements under which it will be entitled to appoint a Logistics Service Provider to operate on behalf of NHS Supply Chain. Under this contractual agreement the Logistics Service Provider will supply the services that are critical for the delivery of NHS Supply Chain goods procured under the CMSP frameworks which are available to 1) any NHS Trust; 2) any other NHS entity or healthcare provider (including private organisations, primary care, community settings, doctors premises, other clinical facilities and social care); 3) any government department, agency, or other statutory body (including Devolved Authorities, Crown Dependencies and/or Pandemic Planning Programmes), 4) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector on behalf of a public-sector organisation listed in 1) to 4) above and/or 5) any private residence. Supply Chain Coordination Limited is seeking a Logistics Service Provider to manage: Warehousing at Dedicated Sites Dedicated Fleet and Transport Operations Inbound Logistics & Transhipment (subcontracted services) Inventory Management Carriers and Sub-contracted Transport Operational Finance and internal audit services Customer Services Systems and applications including the implementation of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) Facilities Management Services International Inbound Freight Services

CPV Codes

  • 42965100 - Warehouse management system
  • 60000000 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
  • 63120000 - Storage and warehousing services
  • 72222300 - Information technology services
  • 79993100 - Facilities management services
  • 98910000 - Services specific to international organisations and bodies


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Link to Find a Tender Service -Notice reference: 2023/S 000-018444 https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/018444-2023 PIN Notice https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/704cc8b4-ccf7-48e1-b584-b1c004...

