The Firs Building - New Boiler Installation at Sutton Bonnington - AWARD
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- 2.5 month
- Value
- £458K
- Sector
- Published
- 13 Jul 2023
- Delivery
- 24 Apr 2023 to 07 Jul 2023
- Deadline
- 03 Apr 2023 11:00
1 buyer
- Nottingham University Nottinghamshire
1 supplier
- Hilton Bodill Construction Nottingham
Introduction - This is a Further Competition with information, instructions and guidance provided in this document, following consideration of which the tender submission which consists of the completion of the Technical and Commercial response documents should be completed and returned by all Contractors invited to tender for the contract. Please note, throughout the Tender documentation the University of Nottingham will be referred to as 'the University' or the Employer and the Tenderer can be referred to as the 'Supplier' or the 'Contractor'. Objectives - This project comprises of the installation of new boilers to the Firs Building located at the University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonnington Campus. Offering a back-up option to the existing heating system which is supplied by the central district heating system. Contract Duration - The contractor is expected to commence on site 24th April 2023 with completion date of approx. 7th July 2023. Conditions of Contract - The contract will operate under the JCT Minor Works Building Contract, with Contractor Design, Joint Contracts Tribunal Limited 2016 suite of contracts published by Thomas Reuters (Professional) UK Limited, trading as Sweet & Maxwel
Award Detail
1 | Hilton Bodill Construction (Nottingham)
CPV Codes
- 44000000 - Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
- IT-55-1298-1523/FC16/MN - AWARD
- CF 4888b941-b4ba-4895-b4a3-54c1975aeec1