The Provision of MEP Design and Consultancy Services Stages 2-7 for the delivery of the Bacup Market and Union Street Public Realm

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3.5 year
16 Aug 2023
25 Sep 2023 to 01 Mar 2027
08 Sep 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Rossendale Borough Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Rossendale Borough Council is seeking to procure the services of an MEP consultant who will be responsible for delivering all services to support the progression of the RIBA Stage 1 to 7. The MEP consultant will work with the Council's appointed design team on the project. The MEP consultant will lead and co-ordinate all activity in relation to MEP service delivery. The successful MEP Consultant will be expected, at this stage, to be novated to the main contractor from stage 4. The brief is summarised as follows: 1. "Work Stage' shall mean any stage into which the Services are divided as set out below. 2. Where any service is identified in relation to any particular Work Stage the Consultant is required to continue to provide that service during subsequent Work Stages until such time as such service has been completed to the satisfaction of the Client / Contractor. 3. This scope of service document should also be read in conjunction with the attached Clients Brief / Design Standards document. 4. It is intended that the structural appointment would commence directly with the Employer from Work Stage 1, up to the completion of Work Stage 2. The appointment from Work Stage 3 will then be novated to a Design & Build Contractor (assuming the project proceeds beyond that stage). Whilst the Scope of Service detailed herein, describes the requirements to Work Stages 3, the Employer shall have no commitment to the Consultant beyond Stage 2 nor provide any guarantee that the project will progress beyond that Work Stage nor that a fee will be agreed. It is at the Consultants absolute discretion as to how the total project fee is allocated to each work section and the Employer shall have no responsibility in this regard. 5. For the purposes of this document, the "Client" is deemed to be Council and the "Contractor" is deemed to be the Design & Build Contractor who is yet to be appointed

CPV Codes

  • 71321000 - Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

