AC1739 Healthwatch and Service User Engagement

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
2 year
07 Sep 2023
To 08 Oct 2025 (est.)
09 Oct 2023 12:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers
Wiltshire Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers


Wiltshire Council, ‘the Council’, is conducting the procurement using the Open procedure for the provision of healthwatch and service user engagement activities across Wiltshire. The procurement is split in to lots as follows: 1 Healthwatch 2 Service User Engagement (Adults) 3 Service User Engagement (Children) The Contracts for ALL Lots will be for an initial term of 2 years with an option to extend for any period up to a further 1 year, as defined and at the sole discretion of the Council. The Contract is scheduled to commence on 01 January 2024 Tenderers that have received this document are those that have responded to the Council’s Contracts Finder/Find a Tender Service advert via the e-procurement system. Such an organisation (whether a single organisation or a consortium) is referred to in this document as a ‘Tenderer’. This stage is a competitive stage of the procurement, and Tenderers will be formally evaluated as part of the stage. The procurement is subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).

Lot Division

1 Healthwatch Wiltshire

The main aims and objectives of Healthwatch Wiltshire are: • To enable the residents of Wiltshire to share their views and concerns about their local health and social care services and understand that their contribution will help to build a picture of where services are doing well and where they can be improved • To encourage and support people and groups to share their views about services; listen to people’s needs and experiences of services • To give authoritative, evidence-based feedback to organisations responsible for commissioning or delivering local health and social care services • To fulfil its statutory duties and functions, holding providers and commissioners of health and social care services to account • To act as a local consumer champion, representing the collective voice of Service Users, patients, carers and the public through its statutory seat on the Health and Wellbeing Board and proving robust challenge and scrutiny in the interests of its members and residents of Wiltshire. • To work with Commissioners in Health and Social care on agreed priority projects • To build upon and utilise existing networks, knowledge, skills and services in support of Healthwatch Wiltshire rather than duplicate what is already in place • To alert Healthwatch England, and/or CQC where appropriate, to concerns about specific care providers, health or social care matters • To be inclusive and reflect the diversity of the community it serves • To be ensure that it is a well-known name in Wiltshire, and residents are aware of its purpose. • To provide ease of access for residents of Wiltshire in order for them to raise concerns or issues about local health and social care services at anytime

2 Service User Engagement (Adults) 18+

The main aims and objectives of the service are. - To establish a range of mechanisms to enable people using services to feedback their views and be part of any engagement/consultation processes. - To facilitate the co-production of adult care, *children services, education and health services - To provide comprehensive reports of people using the service - To work in partnership with Wilts Council and ICB officers - To provide reasonable and appropriate advice and support for people to them to be engaged to their full potential. - To help ensure that there is good communication between Wiltshire Council, ICB and their service users. - To identify the assets and resources (physical and human) that are already valued locally. - To develop ongoing conversations between local people, commissioners, social care practitioners and service providers that support commissioners to understand and intervene in the local market making it easier to co-design new services and strategies when this is needed. - To build a network of people with lived experience that can help to evaluate the quality of local co-production work, linking with the Child Youth and Family Voice Team at Wiltshire Council. - Supporting and upskilling/educating public and services to ensure that peoples voices and experience mould practice and services going forward. - To support, promote and implement the strategy and action plans through the forums and boards as detailed within the service specification (representation on boards/forums) - To monitor and report of the impact and outcomes of voice, engagement and co-production activities, evidencing ‘what worked’ and ‘you said, we did’ - Supporting experts by experience to be a part of Wiltshire Council interview process for new staff and supporting with training Wiltshire Council and ICB staff members, if required. - To develop specific programmes to engage young people with SEND to steer co-production activity which will include design, delivery and implementation and creating stories and publicity

3 Service User Engagement (Children) 5-18

The main aims and objectives of the service are. - To establish a range of mechanisms to enable people using services to feedback their views and be part of any engagement/consultation processes. - To facilitate the co-production of adult care, *children services, education and health services - To provide comprehensive reports of people using the service - To work in partnership with Wilts Council and ICB officers - To provide reasonable and appropriate advice and support for people to them to be engaged to their full potential. - To help ensure that there is good communication between Wiltshire Council, ICB and their service users. - To identify the assets and resources (physical and human) that are already valued locally. - To develop ongoing conversations between local people, commissioners, social care practitioners and service providers that support commissioners to understand and intervene in the local market making it easier to co-design new services and strategies when this is needed. - To build a network of people with lived experience that can help to evaluate the quality of local co-production work, linking with the Child Youth and Family Voice Team at Wiltshire Council. - Supporting and upskilling/educating public and services to ensure that peoples voices and experience mould practice and services going forward. - To support, promote and implement the strategy and action plans through the forums and boards as detailed within the service specification (representation on boards/forums) - To monitor and report of the impact and outcomes of voice, engagement and co-production activities, evidencing ‘what worked’ and ‘you said, we did’ - Supporting experts by experience to be a part of Wiltshire Council interview process for new staff and supporting with training Wiltshire Council and ICB staff members, if required. - To develop specific programmes to engage young people with SEND to steer co-production activity which will include design, delivery and implementation and creating stories and publicity

Renewal Options

12 month additional extension at the discretion of the Council

Award Criteria

Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Any amendments to this ITT will be communicated at the earliest opportunity to all Tenderers through the e-procurement system. Where the Council makes such an amendment, it will ensure that Tenderers have an appropriate amount of time in which to understand and respond to the amendment. The deadline for submission of tenders may be altered to allow Tenderers to take amendments into account, and if this is the case, all Tenderers will be notified.

