Lancashire & South Cumbria - Provision of Children and Young People (CYP) Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing (THRIVE) - Multi-Lot

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
15 Sep 2023
01 May 2024 to 31 Mar 2029
27 Oct 2023 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) is working on behalf of NHS Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) who are looking to undertake a multi-lot procurement for the provision of Children & Young People Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Services in Lancashire & South Cumbria. The proposed model incorporates four service specifications/lots covering the Lancashire and South Cumbria Places. There will be a maximum of 19 contracts totalling £12,709,583 for the full contract length including the optional extension. Each contract length will be for 11 months and 2 years, with an option to extend for an additional 2 years. The annual overall value for the 4 lots and sub-lots is £2,585,000 Please see below breakdown of lots and full contract values, including 2 years optional extension: Lot 1 - THRIVE Getting Help, Therapeutic 1 to 1 & Counselling Support Lot 1a Blackpool £1,283,786 Lot 1b Blackburn with Darwen £1,348,843 Lot 1c South Cumbria £814,195 Lot 1d Lancashire East £2,449,370 Lot 1e Lancashire Central £2,360,561 Lot 1f Lancashire North £1,576,578 Peer Support Lot 2a Blackpool £105,915 Lot 2b Blackburn with Darwen £111,279 Lot 2c South Cumbria £67,172 Lot 2d Lancashire East £202,075 Lot 2e Lancashire Central £194,744 Lot 2f Lancashire North £130,066 Parenting Support Lot 3a Blackpool £89,867 Lot 3b Blackburn with Darwen £94,420 Lot 3c South Cumbria £56,994 Lot 3d Lancashire East £171,454 Lot 3e Lancashire Central £165,239 Lot 3f Lancashire North £110,360 ADHD Lot 4 All Places in Lancashire & South Cumbria £1,376,667. The ICB has set an affordability threshold for each lot within the Procurement. Bidders who submit a bid over the maximum contract values in the procurement documents, will not achieve the score of a pass. Their bid will be regarded as non-compliant and be a failed bid and the rest of the bid will be rejected and the scoring questions in each lot will not be evaluated. This will be checked during the preliminary stages of the evaluation during the compliance checks. The ICB may seek clarification on bids that are unusually low or above the affordability threshold. This is not a competition on price. The ITT will be live on Friday 15th September 2023 on the Atamis Portal. The deadline for submissions will be Friday 27th October 2023 12:00pm Mid-day. The deadline for clarification questions is Thursday 12th October 2023 12:00pm. As part of this procurement process, the Authority is intending to identify one provider for each of the 19 contracts. To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail: The relevant reference number for this tender is C206091 and the questionnaires will be located within the requirements.

Lot Division

1 THRIVE Getting Help, Therapeutic 1:1 and group work and counselling support (PLACE)
  • Value: £10M

This will be for the provision of Children and Young People's Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) based on the THRIVE model and 'Getting Help' offering therapeutic one to one, group work and counselling support in the community at place from the provider. Full details of the services being procured are set out in the tender documents. Bidders are invited to bid for each lot/place separately. The ICB has set an affordability threshold for each lot within the Procurement. Bidders who submit a bid over the maximum contract values in the procurement documents, will not achieve the score of a pass. Their bid will be regarded as non-compliant and be a failed bid and the rest of the bid will be rejected and the scoring questions in each lot will not be evaluated. This will be checked during the preliminary stages of the evaluation during the compliance checks. The ICB may seek clarification on bids that are unusually low or above the affordability threshold. This is not a competition on price. The contract period will be for 11 months & 2 years commencing 01/05/2024 with an option to extend for a further 2 years. Please see below for total contract values including optional 2 year extension:

2 Peer Support (PLACE)
  • Value: £811K

This is for the provision of targeted peer support to Children and Young People (CYP) in various protected groups who can have a higher prevalence of mental health need and who are less likely to access support or engage with intervention offers within the community at place from the provider. Full details of the services being procured are set out in the tender documents. Bidders are invited to bid for each lot/place separately. The ICB has set an affordability threshold for each lot within the Procurement. Bidders who submit a bid over the maximum contract values in the procurement documents, will not achieve the score of a pass. Their bid will be regarded as non-compliant and be a failed bid and the rest of the bid will be rejected and the scoring questions in each lot will not be evaluated. This will be checked during the preliminary stages of the evaluation during the compliance checks. The ICB may seek clarification on bids that are unusually low or above the affordability threshold. This is not a competition on price. The contract period will be for 11 months & 2 years commencing 01/05/2024 with an option to extend for a further 2 years. Please see below for total contract values including optional 2 year extension:

3 Peer Support (PLACE)
  • Value: £688K

This is for the provision Parenting Support in the community at place from the provider. Full details of the services being procured are set out in the tender documents. Bidders are invited to bid for each lot/place separately. The ICB has set an affordability threshold for each lot within the Procurement. Bidders who submit a bid over the maximum contract values in the procurement documents, will not achieve the score of a pass. Their bid will be regarded as non-compliant and be a failed bid and the rest of the bid will be rejected and the scoring questions in each lot will not be evaluated. This will be checked during the preliminary stages of the evaluation during the compliance checks. The ICB may seek clarification on bids that are unusually low or above the affordability threshold. This is not a competition on price. The contract period will be for 11 months & 2 years commencing 01/05/2024 with an option to extend for a further 2 years. Please see below for total contract values including optional 2 year extension:

4 ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Advice and Parenting Support Services (ALL PLACES)
  • Value: £1M

This is for the provision of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) support to families and carers of children affected by ADHD in the community across Lancashire and South Cumbria from the provider. Full details of the services being procured are set out in the tender documents. Bidders are invited to bid to deliver across Lancashire & South Cumbria. … The contract period will be for 11 months & 2 years commencing 01/05/2024 with an option to extend for a further 2 years. The total contract value including optional 2 year extension is £1,376,667.

Renewal Options

The contract length will initially be for 11 months and 2 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

This procurement is for Social and other specific services which are Light Touch Regime services for the purpose of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations ('Regulations') Accordingly, the Contracting Authority is only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regime Section 7 The Contracting Authority is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. As the ICB is a relevant body for the purpose of the National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition)(No 2) Regulations 2013 these Regulations also apply to this procurement. Right to Cancel: The Contracting Authority reserves the right to discontinue the procurement process at any time, which shall include the right not to award a contract or contracts, and does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, or any tender received, and reserves the right to award a contract in part, or to call fornew tenders should it consider this necessary. The Contracting Authority shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any candidate or tenderer in connection with the completion and return of the information requested in this Contract Notice, or in the completion or submission of any tender, irrespective of the outcome of the competition or if the competition is cancelled or postponed. All dates, time periods and values specified in this notice are provisional and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to change these. Transparency: The Contracting Authority is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and may be required to disclose information received in the course of this procurement under FOIA or the EIR. In addition, and in accordance with the UK Government's policies on transparency, the contracting authority intends to publish procurement documentation and the text of any resulting contractual arrangements, subject to possible redactions at the discretion of the Contracting Authority. Any redactions, whether in relation to information requests under FOIA, the EIR or policies on transparency will be in accordance with those grounds prescribed under the Freedom of Information Act. If and when this requirement is offered to tender, this will be done via electronic means using the internet. Midlands and Lancashire CSU is conducting this procurement exercise as a central purchasing body for another NHS body with whom the successful bidder(s) will enter into contracts for the supply of the services. Any other public-sector body detailed within this notice, wishing to access the contract may do so only with permission from the contracting NHS body. Further details will be made available via documentation and information released during the tender process.

