OS (579099) - Opportunity to work with Durham County Council for a bespoke residential children's home

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1 year
26 Oct 2023
16 Nov 2023 to 11 Nov 2024
02 Nov 2023 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Durham County Council require registered children's residential home for 15 year old male with ADHD and ASD. OS is a 15-year-old male, he has autism/ADHD and assessed to have low IQ.When OS is feeling settled, and positive he is a lovely young man and great to engage with and visit. OS is very chatty and has a good sense of humour and likes to have a joke; at his parents' home he has a pet dog which he taught tricks to and during visits enjoyed showing the tricks to professionals. When OS is in a positive mood he will engage well with activities, he enjoys fishing (he used to be in a fishing group with his dad), has engaged in water sports with previous professionals involved who stated he loved it and at the moment he is very much enjoying fitness. At OS current education provision, he spends 2/3 times a week boxing and is looking into participating in boxing outside of school time too and is considering a fight in a charity match in December. When OS is unable to manage his negative feelings such as anger, upset or frustration, or when he feels those around him are not listening to his views and at times when being told no there can be a change in his behaviour. When OS is feeling angry, upset, or frustrated he can make threats to those around him, call names, swear, cause damage to things around him such as punching doors/walls and breaking items. OS behaviour can also be physically abusive, he has assaulted parents and wider family network including his younger brother DS - there has been incidents within education getting into fights, however this is not untypical for a teenage boy. OS typically does not typically demonstrate physical violence towards the professionals working with him, however, there have been a number of incidents where he has made threats and caused damage within his placement, and to belongings of staff and whilst we acknowledge this is a worry it can be expected due to the lack of stability and uncertainty that coincides with an unregistered placement this has triggered an escalation in behaviour. OS says there are strategies to calm him down such as going for a walk or listening to music, but these are preventive strategies if OS emotions escalate quickly these will not work. OS has stated he will continue to work with professionals for the support required and want's help with managing his emotions and anger but does find this difficult.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

If you are interested in receiving tenders for current or future opportunities directly and join our off-framework list, please contact ahs.commissioning@durham.gov.uk or cypsresidential@durham.gov.uk for further information.

