Minor Civil Works for Level Crossings and Minor Signalling Assets & Equipment Framework

A Utilities Periodic Indicative Notice

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Future Contract (Works)
not specified
27 Oct 2023
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Network Rail Eastern Region is considering to set up a new framework that will be a vehicle for procuring minor civil works for Signalling Assets & Equipment, such works are delivered by the Off-Track Civils teams within the region. The types of civil works envisaged are minor in their nature, these will include repairing, refurbishing, metal frame testing or replacing signal structures and level crossing. As such the purpose of this Request For Information (RFI) is to engage with the supply chain test the nature of the proposed requirements with the view of seeking to maximise the potential outcomes. As part of the information to be collated from the RFI, NR would to: - Stress test and determine how best to package the requirements i.e determination of optimum loting structure(s). - Determination of the optimum commercial model that can deliver value for money.

Total Quantity or Scope

Network Rail Eastern Region is considering to set up a new framework that will be a vehicle for procuring minor civil works for Signalling Assets & Equipment, such works are delivered by the Off-Track Civils teams within the region. The types of civil works envisaged are minor in their nature, these will include: - Pilling and concrete bases for signalling assets - Renewal and Life extension of staging equipment and concrete bases for new Line Side Signalling equipment. - Cable management including troughing works and under road working that includes the running out of cables. - Installation of ground bases and steel works associated with SATWS, Covtec, VaMoS & POGO Equipment. - Renewal and/or life extension of or new works to level crossings (Crossing level crossing) - There will also be some possibilities for minor design requirements e.g for troughing, foundations, piling, moving fencing or gates, basic civils etc. - Renewing crossing ground approaches such as tarmac using hot or cold lay tarmac and finished with line markings. - Minor fencing works such as level crossing corral, Fan, wing and patch fencing. - Installation of gates at User Worked Crossings, Footpath/Bridle crossings and access points. - Vegetation clearance to support the level crossing managers' sighting distance needed. - Installation of Level crossing signage required to inform the authorized user how to safely cross - Installation of Wrong direction speed boards and whistle board signs that will inform train drivers of their safety procedures when approaching a level crossing. - Installation of larger signage, Power Operated Gate Openings and supporting post works for works such as Red-Light Safety Improvement Cameras including installation of concrete bases that are cast in situ. - Installation of steps to support public access over tracks around approaches. Please note that any content received via response to this RFI will be used purely for information purposes only and will not be deemed as forming part of any proposed bid now, or any potential future tender. Network Rail may be looking to tender these requirements in the near future - any potential tender event in relation to these requirements will be administered via the Network Rail procurement platform – BravoNR: https://networkrail.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html. Should NR proceed with the procurement of the framework, we envisage that suppliers will be invited following an EOI via RISQS. In the event that the procurement of this framework proceeds, suppliers accredited under the following codes will be invited to take part in the event following an EOI: C.B.4.2 - Troughing Services C.B.5.5 – Materials & Parts (Troughing) C.C.2 – Equipment Support Structure (including the relevant subcodes) C.C.3.2.12 - Piling C.C.3.2.18 – Specialist Lifting & Jacking C.C.3.2.26 – Waterproofing C.C.3.2.27 – Traffic Management/Road Closures C.C.3.2.28 – Portable accommodation including Site Welfare & Toilet Facilities C.C.3.2.32 – Ready Mixed Concreate C.C.3.2.9 – Concrete Services (Drilling and Cutting) C.C.3.4.7 - Infrastructure Fences, Barriers & Boundary Gates D.D - Small Plant and Hand Tools

CPV Codes

  • 45234140 - Level crossing construction works


Other Information

- Determine the level of interest and capability from the market and the feasibility of setting up such a framework. - Provide potential suppliers the opportunity to give feedback and help that will inform the refinement of the requirements and the procurement strategy. Please note any discussions which do occur will cease immediately should a formal competition ultimately be announced. Network Rail is committed to ensuring fairness, openness and transparency, and to following UK procurement regulations. The Periodic Indicative Notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting pre-procurement market engagement via a request for information and does not constitute any commitment to undertake any procurement in the future. Interested parties will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to the PIN event and a response to this PIN does not guarantee any invitation to participate in this event or any future procurement. This PIN does not constitute a call for competition to procure any works mentioned in this PIN and Network Rail will not accept any proposals offered in response to this PIN. Network Rail is not liable for any costs, fees, or expenses incurred by any party in replying to this PIN. Any procurement of any services, supplies or works by Network Rail will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016. Should you wish to respond to this RFI please complete the attached document titled “Minor Civil Works for Level Crossings and Minor Signalling Assets & Equipment Framework”, which can be accessed via the link and instructions below: Follow the following link - https://networkrail.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html From the welcome screen, access the “View Current Opportunities” link and select “Minor Civil Works for Level Crossings and Minor Signalling Assets & Equipment Framework - Request for Information (RFI)". Click on the attachment – “ Minor Civil Works for Level Crossings and Minor Signalling Assets & Equipment Framework RFI Submission Template”. Supplier responses should be completed through responding to questions within this provided excel document. Once completed, please send your excel submission document via email as attachment to: shemunatsi.madziba@networkrail.co.uk with the email subject " Minor Civil Works for Level Crossings and Minor Signalling Assets & Equipment Framework RFI Submission". The response deadline for this RFI is Wednesday 20th November 2023. Any questions or clarifications in respect of this RFI should be addressed to shemunatsi.madziba@networkrail.co.uk Network Rail would like to thank you in advance, should you wish to respond to this Request for Information.

