Infant Feeding and Associated Accessories

A Contract Award Notice

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Framework (Supply)
23.5 month (est.)
03 Nov 2023
To 23 Oct 2025 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 19 suppliers


The framework agreement will look to include the following range of products: Infant Food and Formula - Infant formula ready to feed; infant formula powdered, Infant food for specialist medical purposes, infant meals, Sucrose solution, Sterilised water, Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products, Infant feeding bottles teats, cups, beakers and specialist feeders; breast pumps, collection sets and components; secure milk storage; accessories including infant soothers, sterilisers, bottle warmers, Nipple shields/Breast shields, Breast Shells, Nipple formers, Breast Pads, Thermo/Hydro Gel Pads, Nipple Cream, Infant feeding education and training resources It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £6,600,000 to £6,700,000 in the first year of this framework agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the framework agreement. The estimated value over the total framework agreement term is £26,800,000.

Lot Division

1 Infant Food and Formula

Infant Food and Formula - Infant formula ready to feed; infant formula powdered; Infant food for specialist medical purposes; infant meals; Sucrose solution ;Sterilised water

2 Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products

Baby bottles (disposable, reusable, with or without teats) tamper evident bottle caps, bottle sealing machines,, feeding cups, baby cups (single and double handled), beakers (single or dual handled),special needs feeder, weaning/training cup, teats (latex, latex-free, silicone and specialist variants), soothers/pacifiers (latex, latex-free, silicone and specialist variants), sterilisers (electric and microwave), steriliser bags, breast pumps (single and double, manual and electric variants), sterile milk collection systems, nipple shields and shells, breast/nipple creams, breast/nursing pads and shells, soothing pads, thermo/hydro gel pads, breast pump accessories and replacement parts.

Award Detail

1 Hipp (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Inspiration Healthcare (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
3 Kendal Nutricare (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
4 Laborie Medical Technologies (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
5 Nutricia (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
6 Babease Foods (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
7 HJ Heinz Foods (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
8 Nestle (None)
  • Infant Food and Formula
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £4,800,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
9 Nestle (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
10 Ardo Medical (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
11 Central Medical Supplies (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
12 Gbuk Enteral (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
13 Mam (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
14 Medela (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
15 Medicare Colgate (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
16 Newell Brands (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
17 Sharon Services (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
18 Sinapi Biomedical (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
19 Alcado (None)
  • Infant Feeding Equipment, Accessories and Post Pregnancy Products
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £20,300,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.

Renewal Options

It is anticipated that the Framework Agreement will have an initial term of 24 months with an option to extend for a further two period of 12 months each.

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 33750000 - Baby care products
  • 15880000 - Special nutritional products
  • 15884000 - Baby food
  • 33681000 - Teats, nipple shields and similar articles for babies
  • 33692210 - Parenteral feeding solutions
  • 33711770 - Infant soother, pacifier and dummy


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Through continued market engagement, we recognise the need to review the Framework Agreement to reflect market changes to ensure that the NHS has access to the latest products and technologies . We also recognised that there could be issues with supply over the term of the Framework Agreement. We are, therefore, proposing that as part of the two 12 month extensions of the Framework Agreement for all Lots outlined within the ITT allows for reopening of Framework Agreement to allow any supplier (existing or new supplier) the opportunity to propose product innovations and development ideas that is made available on the market. This will be done through the range extension process only, this is to ensure that we can offer the latest products and associated technologies available to the NHS. These specifications have been developed to support the inclusion of product and/or technology which was not available at the time of the original tender. In relation to issues with supply (Supplier Resilience) of any of the product lines under any lot, we are also proposing the ability to reopen the Framework Agreement at any point during the term of the Framework Agreement. In an event where we identify that an existing supplier is unable to supply a particular product line (in any of the lots) to the participating authorities at any point during the term of the Framework Agreement, that they were originally awarded, we will have the ability to reopen the Framework Agreement in order to appoint a new supplier onto the Framework Agreement to provide such a product line. If existing suppliers are able to provide that particular product line, we will also have the right to reopen the Framework Agreement. As an awarded supplier, to one or more of these Lots, you will be consulted on any changes or additions proposed via innovation/development as well as any issues in regards to any Supplier Resilience. You will also be given the opportunity to also propose any product innovation or development and/or whether you have the availability to supply the products in an event that another existing supplier is unable to supply such a product line. In both instances of reopening the Framework Agreement (Product Innovation/development and Supplier Resilience) we will ensure that we will notify the market in line with the relevant advertising requirements at the time and via our eProcurement Platform. New suppliers and existing suppliers who propose or offer innovation/development or where there is a Supplier Resilience issue in any of the product lines within a Lot will have to meet specified requirements which include, and are not limited to, passing the product innovation MedTech Mandation route (if a product innovation/development proposal), adhering to the product specification and industry standards, ability to provide product support, and financial requirements before appointment to a Framework Agreement. If the Supplier or new supplier is successful in meeting the requirements then that supplier will be awarded a contract under the Framework Agreement either under the new Lot 3 – for any product Innovation/development or under the Lot in which the Supplier Resilience has occurred and not any other Lot.

