Environmental Control (EC) Services for Patients with Complex Disability (Lot 1: Norfolk & Suffolk; Lot 2: Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Bedfordshire)

A Prior Information Notice

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13 Nov 2023
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NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGCSU), on behalf ofNHS England - East of England Specialised Commissioning (referred to as the Commissioner), is undertakinga market engagement exercise to understand the current and future capacity and capabilityof the incumbent and potential providers within this specialised area.

Lot Division

1 Norfolk and Suffolk

The anticipated number of patients (prevalence), pertaining to this Lot, requiring these services are: Norfolk and Waveney -105Suffolk-62Lot 1 - TOTAL 167Environmental Control (EC) provision promotes independence, safety and quality of life. It is a means of providing a person with a disability, the ability to participate in every-day activities: domestic, social and in the workplace. Reducing dependency on others for routine tasks provides greater autonomy to the individual, assists in managing risks and may reduce support costs. It can also have a positive impact on the wellbeing of carers and family members.A key element of EC Systems is that they enable the user to control multiple functions through an input and interface that are tailored to their individual needs. The systems are prescribed and assembled to meet individual need and may include a custom manufactured or bespoke element.The service is to be available to persons of all ages, diversities, medical conditions (acquired or congenital) and place of residence (independent living, with family, residential care, nursing home), who have a severe disability, which restricts their ability to independently operate standard means for control of the environment and access to computer technology.Please see the link to the service specification: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/complex-disability-equiptment-environmental-controls-all-ages.pdfProvider(s) must be located in the NHS England Region of The East of England.NHS England Regionshttps://www.england.nhs.uk/about/regional-area-teams/The service is expected to commence in October 24.The anticipated contract duration for this service is 5 years, with an option to extend thecontract up to a further 2 year period at the Commissioner’s discretion.This notice is to advise prospective providers in the market of the commissioner’s intentionto commission this service and to provide an opportunity to engage with and participate in amarket engagement questionnaire. It is possible that as a result of this exercise, a formaltender process will not be required but instead a simpler provider selection process will beundertaken. Where it is noted that competition is absent for a particular lot, theCommissioner reserves the right to direct award to provider(s) with no further competition.All providers will be notified of next steps following the conclusion of this marketengagement exercise.Documentation relating to this exercise including a questionnaire is available through theAtamis (Health Family) portal. To register your interest and access the questionnaire, pleasefollow this link to the Atamis (Health Family) portal: https://healthfamily.force.com/s/Welcome.The project reference is C215364 and the closing date for submission of the completedquestionnaire is: 12pm (noon) 8th December 2023.

2 Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Bedfordshire

The anticipated number of patients (prevalence), pertaining to this Lot, requiring these services are:Cambridgeshire and Peterborough -87Bedfordshire-47Lot 2 - TOTAL 134Environmental Control (EC) provision promotes independence, safety and quality of life. It is a means of providing a person with a disability, the ability to participate in every-day activities: domestic, social and in the workplace. Reducing dependency on others for routine tasks provides greater autonomy to the individual, assists in managing risks and may reduce support costs. It can also have a positive impact on the wellbeing of carers and family members.A key element of EC Systems is that they enable the user to control multiple functions through an input and interface that are tailored to their individual needs. The systems are prescribed and assembled to meet individual need and may include a custom manufactured or bespoke element.The service is to be available to persons of all ages, diversities, medical conditions (acquired or congenital) and place of residence (independent living, with family, residential care, nursing home), who have a severe disability, which restricts their ability to independently operate standard means for control of the environment and access to computer technology.Please see the link to the service specification: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/complex-disability-equiptment-environmental-controls-all-ages.pdfProvider(s) must be located in the NHS England Region of The East of England.NHS England Regionshttps://www.england.nhs.uk/about/regional-area-teams/The service is expected to commence in October 24.The anticipated contract duration for this service is 5 years, with an option to extend thecontract up to a further 2 year period at the Commissioner’s discretion.This notice is to advise prospective providers in the market of the commissioner’s intentionto commission this service and to provide an opportunity to engage with and participate in amarket engagement questionnaire. It is possible that as a result of this exercise, a formaltender process will not be required but instead a simpler provider selection process will beundertaken. Where it is noted that competition is absent for a particular lot, theCommissioner reserves the right to direct award to provider(s) with no further competition.All providers will be notified of next steps following the conclusion of this marketengagement exercise.Documentation relating to this exercise including a questionnaire is available through theAtamis (Health Family) portal. To register your interest and access the questionnaire, pleasefollow this link to the Atamis (Health Family) portal: https://healthfamily.force.com/s/Welcome.The project reference is C215364 and the closing date for submission of the completed

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


Other Information

Please note thatthis is not a call for competition although the commissioner would encourage all potentialproviders to respond to this market engagement exercise. The outcome of this marketengagement will help inform commissioners of the current and future capacity and capabilityof the market and will be considered to inform the commissioning approach.Interested parties are encouraged to register their interest only if they are able to deliver thefull list of the requirementsParticipation to this market engagement will close at 12pm (noon), Friday 8th December 2023. Environmental Control (EC) provision promotes independence, safety and quality of life. It is a means of providing a person with a disability, the ability to participate in every-day activities: domestic, social and in the workplace. Reducing dependency on others for routine tasks provides greater autonomy to the individual, assists in managing risks and may reduce support costs. It can also have a positive impact on the wellbeing of carers and family members.A key element of EC Systems is that they enable the user to control multiple functions through an input and interface that are tailored to their individual needs. The systems are prescribed and assembled to meet individual need and may include a custom manufactured or bespoke element.The service is to be available to persons of all ages, diversities, medical conditions (acquired or congenital) and place of residence (independent living, with family, residential care, nursing home), who have a severe disability, which restricts their ability to independently operate standard means for control of the environment and access to computer technology.Please see the link to the service specification: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/complex-disability-equiptm... must be located in the NHS England Region of The East of England.NHS England Regionshttps://www.england.nhs.uk/about/regional-area-teams/The service is expected to commence in October 24.The anticipated contract duration for this service is 5 years, with an option to extend thecontract up to a further 2 year period at the Commissioner’s discretion.This notice is to advise prospective providers in the market of the commissioner’s intentionto commission this service and to provide an opportunity to engage with and participate in amarket engagement questionnaire. It is possible that as a result of this exercise, a formaltender process will not be required but instead a simpler provider selection process will beundertaken. Where it is noted that competition is absent for a particular lot, theCommissioner reserves the right to direct award to provider(s) with no further competition.All providers will be notified of next steps following the conclusion of this marketengagement exercise.Documentation relating to this exercise including a questionnaire is available through theAtamis (Health Family) portal. To register your interest and access the questionnaire, pleasefollow this link to the Atamis (Health Family) portal: https://healthfamily.force.com/s/Welcome.The project reference is C215364 and the closing date for submission of the completedquestionnaire is: 12pm (noon) 8th December 2023.

