Midlands Rail Hub Alliance – Alliance Partners (Non-Signalling Disciplines)
A Utilities Periodic Indicative Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Future Contract (Works)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- 1B
- Sector
- Published
- 22 Nov 2023
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
1 buyer
- Network Rail Infrastructure London
The Midlands Rail Hub (MRH) programme of works is a series of multidisciplinary infrastructure interventions intended to be undertaken across the West, Central and East Midlands of the UK with the core purpose, and combined output, of providing a number of additional services between central Birmingham and key regional cities and transport hubs. The envisaged MRH scope is intended to include, but is not limited to, the design and build of: new platforms and sidings; up to two new chords into Birmingham Moor Street; widening of existing viaduct; power supply upgrades; new freight loops; new overhead line equipment (OLE) and various signalling works including the re-modelling of existing layouts. MRH is intended to be delivered through an Alliance delivery model with Alliance members consisting of: - Network Rail (as Client); - Non-Signalling Partners (the focus of this notice and forthcoming procurement event); and - A Signalling Partner (to be appointed via a separate sourcing event). This notice is not a call for competition. Network Rail wishes to invite interested economic operators to register their interest in receiving further procurement updates, including a market briefing session planned for January 2024, in respect of the procurement event for the Alliance Partners (Non-Signalling Disciplines) through joining the MRH distribution list. Economic operators may join the distribution list by completing the MS Form linked below: https://forms.office.com/e/i14dwAVdDW Economic operators who are already on the MRH distribution list from previous market engagement activity need not re-register.
Total Quantity or Scope
Network Rail envisages that the MRH scope will consist of a number of multidisciplinary infrastructure interventions across the Midlands region. These interventions are likely to be split over three sections described as West, Central and East according to the additional train services that they enable. The scope is currently divided into eight interventions across the three sections, although this number is subject to further funding decisions and design development. The West and Central interventions (excluding Worcester-Hereford) are in the process of securing RNEP Decision to Design Funding and are intended to form the core scope of this procurement event. East interventions form part of a separate Outline Business Case (OBC) which is in an earlier stage of design development and it is envisaged that this will be considered as uncommitted Alliance scope, which may be instructed to the Alliance, subject to future funding decisions. It is also envisaged that the West intervention of Worcester-Hereford will be uncommitted scope as this is not intended to be included in the first tranche of funding for MRH and is dependent upon as yet uncommitted renewals in the Worcester area. The total Alliance Anticipated Final Cost (AFC) is circa £1.3bn-£1.4bn of which: - Core (predominantly West and Central) interventions are circa £1bn; - Uncommitted (predominantly East) interventions are circa £400m; - Non-Signalling disciplines account for circa £1,050m; and - Signalling accounts for circa £350m. These figures are indicative only. Network Rail are procuring an Alliance for the delivery of MRH interventions with Alliance members consisting of: … - Non-Signalling Partners (the focus of this procurement event); and - A Signalling Partner (to be appointed via a separate procurement event). It will be a matter for economic operators as to the form in which they may wish to participate in Network Rail’s forthcoming procurement event whether as a single entity or group of economic operators seeking to deliver all required Alliance disciplines except for the signalling scope. Network Rail intends to conduct this envisaged future procurement event via the Negotiated Procedure with prior call for competition pursuant to the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016. Network Rail intend to use an NR35 NEC4 Alliance Contract (ALC) with MRH-specific amendments, which will be provided as part of the procurement documents upon publication of the contract notice. Detailed descriptions of MRH interventions, including AFC estimates and discipline splits, will be made available to economic operators who register (or have already registered) to be part of the MRH distribution list.
CPV Codes
- 45234100 - Railway construction works
- 45000000 - Construction work
- 45100000 - Site preparation work
- 45111213 - Site-clearance work
- 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- 45210000 - Building construction work
- 45213320 - Construction work for buildings relating to railway transport
- 45213321 - Railway station construction work
- 45221112 - Railway bridge construction work
- 45221122 - Railway viaduct construction work
- 45221242 - Railway tunnel construction work
- 45232210 - Overhead line construction
- 45234114 - Railway embankment construction work
- 45234116 - Track construction works
- 71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
- 71332000 - Geotechnical engineering services
Other Information
Not registering for and/or not participating in this MRH market engagement shall not prevent any economic operator from participating in any future MRH procurement events. Network Rail is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in any pre-market engagement exercise and/or any potential future procurement event. Network Rail cannot guarantee that any or all of the information presented within this PIN, or future market engagement, will be incorporated into any subsequent procurement event(s) or that Network Rail will proceed with one or more procurement events. Where Network Rail proceeds with one or more procurement events for the MRH programme of works, relevant material from market engagement exercises will be made available as part of the procurement documentation for the relevant procurement event.
- FTS 034592-2023