WAJIBIKA Tanzania Programme

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
6 year
29 Nov 2023
04 Mar 2024 to 31 Mar 2030
01 Jan 1 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is planning to publish a tender opportunity for the Tanzania Wajibika Programme week commencing the 4th of December 2023.

CPV Codes

  • 75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The Opportunity Notice and Contract Notice will be published in the Contract Finder and Finder the Tender Services (FTS) respectively to alert the market and provide the instruction on how to access the tender documents. Please note that there are no plans for any further market engagement prior to the opportunity going live, as this has taken place already. Wajibika is led by the FCDO and co-designed/funded by the Swiss Development Corporation (SDC). The intended Impact of the Wajibika programme is a more open, inclusive society in Tanzania where government demonstrates greater accountability to the needs of its citizens. Wajibika will deliver this Impact via three strategic Outcomes to support 1) effective civic space and inclusive political processes 2) media freedom and access to information, and 3) Government of Tanzania (GoT) knowledge, will and capacity for public service reforms. The expected start date for the Tanzania Wajibika Programme contract is March 2024. The contract will run until 31 March 2023. The Contract Value will be up to £27,228,000 excluding any extension options. This value is made up of £13,500,000 representing the UK funding for the programme, and the Swiss Embassy contribution of approximately £13,728,000[1] (CHF 15,600,000). The Contract value must be is inclusive of all applicable taxes. Wajibika's overarching impact is made up of three specific outcomes: I. Inclusive and effective civic space and political inclusion: CSOs are effective and sustainable, developing stronger connections to the public, effectively deploy evidence to demonstrate their value to government, and challenging disproportionate regulation. Coalitions (CSOs, media, faith-based organisations) are strengthened to promote inclusive politics and engage citizens - particularly women - in the democratic process. II. Media freedom and access to information: media challenges disproportionate regulation, including of the online space, and grows its capacity for public interest journalism. III. Government service delivery: Government and key actors are supported to explore new solutions to tackle longstanding service delivery challenges. Please note that the tender documents will be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal https://fcdo.bravosolution.co.uk. You are encouraged to register in advance in case of any technical issues with the Portal. If you have any of those, please call eTendering helpdesk: +44 203 868 2859 or use the "Call me Back!" functionality (recommended, especially if contacting from outside of UK)

