| HVDC Converter Systems Framework | London | £25B |
| HVDC Cable Framework | London | £21B |
| HVDC - Major Works & Civils Framework | London | £13B |
| Apprenticeships | Wakefield | £10B |
| Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs Joint Venture | London | £3B |
| NHS SBS Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy and Ancillary Services (HPCCAS) | Hemel Hempstead | £2B |
| NHS SBS Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy and Ancillary Services (HPCCAS) (SBS | Hemel Hempstead | £2B |
| Supplier Pre-Qualification For: Old Oak Park Royal Energy Network (OPEN) - Development & Funding Partner | London | £800M |
| MSE Estates Minor Work Services DPS | Southend | £600M |
| Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | Durham | £500M |
| Sustainable Healthcare Waste & Recycling Management | Hertfordshire | £500M |
| ECC Passenger Transport DPS | Chelmsford | £497M |
| Public Cloud Hosting Services - Supplier 1 | London | £450M |
| Maintenance Services for Trace Detection Devices in HMPPS | Leeds | £425M |
| Metered Electricity 2024-2027 (ID | Belfast | £364M |
| New Hospital Programme – Programme Delivery Partner (PDP) | Leeds | £307M |
| NHP Programme Delivery Partner | Leeds | £307M |
| SOL - Mell Square - Town Centre Redevelopment and Repurposing | Solihull | £300M |
| Type 31 Through Life Support | Bristol | £300M |
| Residential and Dual Registered Care Provided Within Care Homes | Oldham | £294M |
| Innovative Platform for Home Based Services | Twickenham | £249M |
| Passenger Transport 2021-2026 *For Quarterly Reporting Only* | Taunton | £230M |
| Homecare Services | Carlisle | £213M |
| Affordable Homes Guarantee Scheme 2020 (AHGS20) | London | £213M |
| Ophthalmic Surgical Pathway Goods & Services | Birmingham | £200M |
| Sustainable Hardware, Asset Recycling and Data Destruction | Wakefield | £200M |
| Business & Technical Services Marketplace | Calder Bridge | £175M |
| ICT Managed Service Regional Framework | Exeter | £175M |
| FTS - Huguenot House Development Partner | London | £160M |
| Web Address | London | £160M |
| Highway Term Maintenance | Taunton | £150M |
| NHS National Framework for Tocilizumab - March | Leeds | £150M |
| Roofing Services | Alfreton | £150M |
| NP92520b Aflibercept (Eylea®) | Larkhall | £109M |
| University of East Anglia Contractor Framework | Norwich | £96M |
| Operation and Maintenance of the Hanford Energy Recovery Facility | Stoke on Trent | £95M |
| Home Care (Domiciliary Care) Flexible Framework | Sutton | £90M |
| Pagabo National Framework for Academy Services | Harrogate | £90M |
| Leisure Services | Barking | £82M |
| Channel View Regeneration | Cardiff | £80M |
| Home Care (Domiciliary Care) Flexible Framework | Sutton | £80M |
| Paper Hygiene Products | Sheffield | £74M |
| Fleet Helicopter Support Unit (FHSU) | Bristol | £70M |
| Understanding Society Wave 17-22 | Colchester | £70M |
| CHIC Kitchen Supply Framework | Birmingham | £60M |
| Core Surfacing in Westmorland and Furness for 2024-2027 (With the Option of 3 X 1 Year… | Kendal | £60M |
| Hand Tools, Power Tool, Pneumatic Tools & Associated Items - Cf | Telford | £60M |
| Hand Tools, Power Tools, Pneumatic Tools & Associated Items | Telford | £60M |
| Waste Services & Street Cleansing Provision | Lincoln | £60M |
| Contract Award Notice | Hmnb Devonport | £58M |
| Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR3) | Southampton | £55M |
| Liquid Fuels With Additional Services | West Malling | £50M |
| NHS National Framework for Tocilizumab - March | Runcorn | £50M |
| Surface Treatments Term Maintenance | Taunton | £50M |
| Surfacing Term Maintenance | Taunton | £50M |
| Frozen Foods | Belfast | £47M |
| Total Facilities Management Home Office North | London | £46M |
| Community Drug and Alcohol Service (CDAS) - ASCHIW/2022/315* | Stoke on Trent | £42M |
| Croydon Equipment Service - Employee Mutual Partnership Opportunity | Croydon | £42M |
| Heat Network Zoning Programme - Framework Agreement | None | £42M |
| Heat Network Zoning Programme – Framework Agreement | London | £42M |
| Housing Capital Works & Asset Maintenance - Market Engagement | London | £40M |
| Contingent Labour | Doncaster | £39M |
| Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment Service (Drug and Alcohol) | Matlock | £38M |
| Library and Archive Services | Dudley | £37M |
| Paper Hygiene Products | Sheffield | £37M |
| Hepatitis C Medicines | Edinburgh | £36M |
| Newcastle City Council - Building Materials via NEPO219 DPS | Newcastle upon Tyne | £35M |
| Integrated Youth Support Services | Gloucester | £35M |
| Youth Services | Gloucester | £35M |
| BOREALIS - Opportunity | Bristol | £34M |
| Public Cloud Hosting Services - Supplier 2 | London | £30M |
| Commercial Vehicles Servicing, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (SIMAR) | London | £30M |
| Mental Health Services Within His Majesty's Prisons North West | Liverpool Merseyside | £29M |
| Asbestos Removal Services | Leeds | £27M |
| WAJIBIKA Tanzania Programme | London | £27M |
| Vending Solutions PIN | London | £26M |
| Public Health Nursing for 0 to 5 Years Olds and Smoking in Pregnancy Services | Doncaster | £26M |
| Prestigious Sites Catering | London | £26M |
| Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS) | Northallerton | £25M |
| City of London Housing Repairs & Maintenance - Soft Market Testing | London | £25M |
| Trade Show & Business Events - Variation Notice | London | £25M |
| Mental Health Services Within His Majesty's Prisons | Liverpool Merseyside | £25M |
| Community Drug and Alcohol Service (CDAS) - ASCHIW/2022/315* | Stoke on Trent | £25M |
| Grounds Maintenance Services and Management | Peterborough | £23M |
| Legal Services in Relation to Post Office IT Inquiry | London | £22M |
| F-35 & F76 to Ascension and Falkland Island - Jan 2024 (FOB) | Bristol | £22M |
| F-76 to Loch Striven and Thanckes- Dec 2023 (DDP) | Bristol | £22M |
| Frozen, Ambient, Fresh & Meat | West Midlands | £21M |
| The Supply of Chemicals | Bristol | £21M |
| Primary Care Pathology Services | Colchester | £20M |
| Augmentation Framework | Leeds | £20M |
| Consultancy Services - A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) | Tewkesbury | £20M |
| Highways Structures Repairs Framework | Wolverhampton | £20M |
| Local Bus Services (PT 24-29) | Swansea | £20M |
| Ophthalmic Surgical Pathway Goods & Services | Birmingham | £20M |
| Resource Augmentation | Leeds | £20M |
| Wheelset Components | London | £20M |
| Disposals of Surplus and Out of Life Munitions | Bristol | £20M |
| HMCTS Video Hearings Service | London | £18M |