Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services (3)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
05 Jan 2024
09 Jul 2024 to 08 Jul 2028
05 Feb 2024 15:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


We are running this competition using the 'open procedure'. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement to support delivery of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services. The duration of the Framework Agreement is for a four (4) year period. The Framework Agreement will be available for use by UK public sector bodies as described in the customer list. The Framework consists of the following lots: Lot 1 - Water and Waste Water Services Lot 2 - Ancillary Services Lot 3 - One Stop Shop (Combined Lot 1 and Lot 2 ) Bidders can bid for both Lot 1 and/or Lot 2. Lot 3 will be formed upon award. Any bidder successfully awarded on both Lot 1 and Lot 2 combined will be awarded a place on Lot 3. Suppliers will be required to provide the Deliverables (goods and services) set out in the Specification, the full Specification is set out in the Invitation to Tender (ITT).

CPV Codes

  • 09320000 - Steam, hot water and associated products
  • 24962000 - Water-treatment chemicals
  • 38421100 - Water meters
  • 39370000 - Water installations
  • 42912300 - Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
  • 44163140 - Steam and water pipes
  • 45330000 - Plumbing and sanitary works
  • 50411100 - Repair and maintenance services of water meters
  • 51514110 - Installation services of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
  • 65100000 - Water distribution and related services
  • 71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Contract Notice rights reserved for Crown Commercial Service Framework Agreement GWG T124-Contract Notice rights reserved for Crown Commercial Service Framework Agreement v2.0.docx Contract Notice Transparency Information for Crown Commercial Service Framework Agreement Contract Notice Transparency Information for Crown Commercial Service Framework Contract v1.docx Contract Notice Authorised Customer List RM6306 - Customer List v1.0.docx Attachment_1_About_the_Framework_v1.0[1].docx Attachment_1a_-_Framework_Schedule_1_(Specification)_v1.0[1].docx Attachment_2__How_to_bid_v1.0[1].docx Attachment_2a_Selection_Questionnaire_v1.0[1].xlsx Attachment_2b_-_Lot_1_Certificate_of_Technical_and_Professional_Ability_v1.0[1].docx Attachment_2b_-_Lot_2_Certificate_of_Technical_and_Professional_Ability_v1.0[1].docx Attachment 8 Frequently Asked Questions Document v1.0.xlsx Attachment_2c_Relevant_and_Principle_Services_Template_v1.0[1].docx Attachment 7 Key subcontractor details v1.0.xlsx Attachment_2d_Certificate_of_Performance_v1.0[1].docx Attachment 6 Consortia details v1.0.xlsx Attachment_2e_PPN_06_21_Carbon_Reduction_Plan_template_v1.0[1].docx Attachment 5a Silver FVRA Tool v1.0.xlsx Attachment 5 Financial Viability Risk Assessment Instructions v1.0.docx Attachment 4b - Information and declarations_Key Subcontractors_Guarantors v1.0.xlsx Attachment_2e_PPN_06_21_Carbon_Reduction_Plan_template_v1.0[1].odt Attachment 4a - Information and declarations_Consortium v1.0.xlsx Attachment_3a_-_Lot_1_Price_Matrix_V_1.0[1].xlsx Attachment 3b - Lot 2 Price Matrix V 1.0.xlsx Attachment_3b_-_Lot_2_Price_Matrix_V_1.0[1].xlsx Attachment 9.zip

