Marine Survey Framework

A Utilities Contract Notice

Framework (Services)
6 year
15 Jan 2024
To 12 Feb 2030 (est.)
13 Feb 2024 11:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


National Grid is an international Electricity and Gas Network Company based in the UK, with operations in north-eastern US. And one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. National Grid are looking to set up a multi-year Marine Survey Framework to service offshore cable laying as part of the Great Grid Upgrade and may be utilised in the future for any Hydrogen Pipeline projects as applicable. The Framework will cover the full gamut of survey disciplines required for cable lay and subsequent maintenance. Including Geophysical, Geotechnical, Environmental, Intertidal/landing, Unexploded Ordinance, Maintenance with flexibility to award Turnkey requirements. The Framework is seen as being an important part of National Grid's maritime requirements to allow for a more rapid contracting of surveys potentially in parallel with other project elements that traditionally have been programmed sequentially.

Lot Division

1 Geophysical
  • Value: £30M

Non-intrusive surveys generally for route development along a corridor of seabed, including the collection, processing, reporting and delivery of bathymetric data; seabed classification and detection of objects with dimensions of 0.25m and larger, identification and characterisation of the sub-sea floor to around 25m depth; sub-surface measurements at landfall and detection of larger scale anthropomorphic magnetic anomalies such as pipelines and wrecks. This lot may also be used for maintenance where deemed necessary due to the scale or technical requirements. Collection methods are not limited to but currently utilise Single and Multi-beam Echo Sounders, Side Scan Sonars, Sub-Bottom Profilers, seismic refraction equipment and Magnetometers. ROV work utilising equipment mentioned above, video and pipe trackers may also be required where existing assets are being crossed or where maintenance work requires larger assets to be deployed.

2 Geotechnical
  • Value: £35M

Intrusive surveys to resolve the composition of the upper layers (5 to 10m) of seabed sediment along corridors already subject to a geophysical survey.  Collection methods are not limited to, but currently utilise Core Penetration Tests and Vibrocorer sampling. This work includes data collection from the landfall area to offshore. Nearshore, Intertidal and land elements may include the requirement for borehole testing to approximately 20m depth. A variety of companies are being sought that can offer coverage of all areas as well as those that may only offer a subset of the geographical scopes.

3 Environmental
  • Value: £20M

Collection of data to establish the benthic ecology along chosen routes.  Currently utilises the interpretation of acoustic geophysical data, video and photographic surveys of the benthic environment and benthic grab/core sampling, although other techniques such as eDNA sampling may be considered depending on the agreement of consent agencies.  Laboratory testing of samples and subsequent reporting will be included with this work. This work includes data collection from the intertidal area to offshore. A variety of companies are being sought that can offer coverage of all areas as well as those that may only offer a subset of the geographical scopes.

4 Intertidal/Landing
  • Value: £15M

Non-intrusive survey of the intertidal and topographic elements of the cable landing site utilising bathymetric/topographic lidar and imagery techniques to provide a continuous elevation model and classification of the seabed/land. It is expected that this will be from approximately from the 5m LAT depth contour to at least 250m inland but may extend further in both directions depending on project requirements. While it is expected that manned platforms will be required for some of this work, UAV operations for smaller area requirements may also be suitable. This work may include regular operation and maintenance surveys to assess the physical security of the cable in this zone.

5 UXO Route Survey
  • Value: £60M

Collection of both land and marine detailed hi-resolution geophysical data to allow the provision of potential UXO targets to be identified. This will include a range of non-intrusive marine techniques including Multi-Beam Echo Sounders, Side Scan Sonars and Magnetometers but optimised for UXO detection and identification along a narrower route corridor. Land surveys will be in line with industry best practice currently utilising magnetometers only.

6 UXO Target Investigation. Nearshore Diving
  • Value: £15M

Following the successful acquisition of UXO Survey data as described in Lot 5, target investigation on identified potential targets is required to confirm status. This nearshore scope is for water depths less than circa 10m where diving is the only practical solution to identify targets due to water depth. Visual identification and a target inspection report is required for each target.

7 UXO Target Investigation: Offshore ROV
  • Value: £20M

Following the successful acquisition of UXO Survey data as described in Lot 5, target investigation on identified potential targets is required to confirm status. This nearshore scope is for water depths greater than circa 10m where an ROV solution is possible to identify targets due to sufficient water depth. Visual identification and an inspection report is required for each target.

8 UXO Clearance/Detonation
  • Value: £20M

Following the confirmed identification of UXO from Lot 5-7, it is requested that a solution is presented to safely neutralise the ordnance using best industry practice to allow a clearance certificate to be produced. Techniques may include detonation, low-order detonation, removal, or other innovative solutions to safely remove the threat of the confirmed ordnance. The use of bubble curtains and other environmental mitigations may be required dependent on location and size of ordnance.

9 Low Carbon Geophysical/Small Maintenance Projects
  • Value: £35M

A non-intrusive survey to provide an initial assessment of potential routes and assessment of the continued physical security of in-service subsea assets. It is expected that this will generally utilise Multi-Beam Echo Sounders and backscatter, as well as Side Scan Sonar and magnetometer for some projects. This work includes data collection from the intertidal area to offshore and involves a comparison of data from previous surveys. Autonomous platforms to reduce the carbon footprint of the operations would be considered for this work and other novel approaches aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the projects are desirable.

CPV Codes

  • 71354500 - Marine survey services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

National Grid UK Limited will conduct the procurement and enter into the framework agreement with the successfully appointed suppliers for its own benefit and for the benefit of the entities identified below.National Grid UK Limited or any of the following entities shall be entitled to call off from the framework agreement and enter into contracts resulting from the call off: 1. Any parent undertakings or subsidiary undertakings (each term as defined in section 1162 Companies Act 2006 except that references in that section to "majority" shall be replaced by reference to "25% or more") of National Grid UK Limited and any subsidiary undertakings of any such parent undertakings at the time of the call off including without limitation: a) National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc b) National Grid LionLink Limited c) National Grid Nautilus Limited d) National Grid Continental Limited e) National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited f) National Grid Interconnectors Limited g) National Grid North Sea Link Limited h) National Grid Viking Link Limited i) National Grid IFA 2 Limited j) National Grid NSN Link Limited 2. Any entity that is acting as a project partner with any National Grid call off partner (identified in paragraph 1 above) and which calls off jointly with any such National Grid entity including, without limitation,: a) Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc b) TenneT TSO B.V. c) TenneT TSO GmbH d) TenneT Offshore GmbH e) Elia Asset NV/SA f) Energinet Eltransmission A/S g) Statnett SF h) Transmission system operators and other developers and/or operators of HVDC projects; and/or 3. Any special purpose vehicle, incorporated joint venture or contractual joint venture, between any of the parties identified in paragraphs 1 and 2 above. It should be noted that, whilst National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited and any of its subsidiaries whether current or future, which hold an interconnector licence, and National Grid Interconnectors Limited, are included within the scope of the Marine Survey Framework agreement, and therefore entitled to call off under it, these entities are not subject to the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 or any other relevant procurement regime. These entities' participation in this procurement process and/or the framework agreement does not cause them to be subject to those rules in whole or in part. To register your interest in this Procurement event and to obtain the pre-qualification documentation applicants are to email: using the wording 'Registering Interest for Marine Survey Framework (if you have them) your Ariba AN number (Network ID), name, email address and contact phone number for all contacts within your organisation who will need to receive Ariba messages and administer your online submissions. Following receipt of this information National Grid will invite you to the Ariba event where all the pre qualification documentation is contained including further instructions. Please note if you have already engaged with us as part of our market engagement and Request for Information activities, National Grid may already have invited you to the Ariba Event upon launch of the tender. Once interested parties have been invited to the Ariba Event, National Grid will then only communicate through the portal. Interested parties should note that National Grid reserves the right to cancel or vary this procurement process at any stage. National Grid may also change the basis, procedures and/or timescales set out or referred to within the procurement documents. National Grid will not be liable for any costs or expenses whatsoever incurred by interested parties in participating in this procurement process.

