CA202 (2024) - Provision of Consultancy for Major Transmission and Distribution Projects. Lot 1 - Pre-construction Stage and Lot 2 Construction stage.

A Utilities Contract Notice

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Framework (Services)
8 year
23 Jan 2024
To 07 Mar 2032 (est.)
07 Mar 2024 15:00



Northern Ireland

Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers


Provision of Environmental Consultancy for Major Transmission and Distribution Projects. Lot 1 - Pre-Construction Stage, Lot 2 Construction Stage. Please refer to the Scope of Services for further information.

Lot Division

1 Provision of Consultancy services for Major Transmission and Distribution Projects at Pre-Construction Stage
  • Value: £6M

We expect to call upon a suitably qualified Environmental specialist to assist when working on the following areas and topics: 1. Undertake environmental impact assessments and associated desk top studies 2. Develop landscape and visual schemes 3. Undertake noise surveys, assessment/interpretation of said surveys and appropriate modelling 4. Undertake Ecology and Ornithology surveys. This will include but not limited to bird surveys and Flora assessments 5. Undertake Archaeology studies on planned works 6. Undertake Ecology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology surveys and investigations 7. Produce photomontage drawings for planning application and customer engagements 8. Produce Construction Environmental Management Plans for major projects 9. Provide guidance and assistance on planning policies and attend planning consultations as required The above list may not be exhaustive and will be applicable to overhead line, cable and substation projects

2 Provision of consultancy services for major transmission and distribution projects at Construction Stage
  • Value: £6M

We expect to call upon a suitably qualified Environmental specialist to deliver the following as part of Habitat Survey and Planning NI Environmental Impact Assessments; 1. Archaeological Works. This will include on site monitoring, Programme of Works (POW) complication and submission and associated licence applications. 2. Badger surveys/associated licence applications, reporting and sett closures (permanent & temporary) 3. Bat surveys/associated licence applications, reporting, endoscope surveys & supervision of tree felling 4. Ecological Clerk of Work duties to comply with planning conditions/phase 1 habitat surveys eg Devil’s Bit Scabious / Marsh Fritillary surveys 5. Ecology Study to include ecology and cultural heritage report and field study 6. Environmental Consultancy Services 7. Flood Risk & Drainage assessment 8. Noise/Vibration/Dust Assessment & reporting 9. Ornithology reporting e.g. Hen Harrier surveys The above list may not be exhaustive and will be applicable to overhead line, cable and substation projects.

CPV Codes

  • 71313100 - Noise-control consultancy services
  • 71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
  • 71313420 - Environmental standards for construction
  • 71313440 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction
  • 71313410 - Risk or hazard assessment for construction


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

