The Provision of Sign Language Interpreters

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
4 year
26 Jan 2024
To 13 Jun 2028 (est.)
28 Feb 2024 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


City of Glasgow College will be seeking a supplier for the provision British Sign Language Interpreters for all BSL users within the College. This is inclusive of day, weekend and evening students.

Total Quantity or Scope

All service users who use British Sign Language (BSL) at City of Glasgow College will require Sign Language Interpreters (SLI) to access the curriculum and converse with their lecturers, students, colleagues and peers in a learning environment. City of Glasgow College may have a requirement, in certain years, for speech to text reporters (also referred to as Electronic Note Takers (ENT)). This requirement may vary from each academic year depending on service user’s needs. Over the past four years, the requirement for Speech to Text Reporters has varied from zero (0) to three (3) service users per year. Further detailed information will be contained within the tender documentation upon release.

Renewal Options

12 months extension option. A new contract will be put in place at the end of the contract.

Award Criteria

Linguist Vetting and Selection 10.0
Linguist Competency and Quality 20.0
Administration and Management 10.0
Monitoring and Reviewing Performance 10.0
Fair Work Practices 3.0
Business Continuity Planning 3.0
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 2.0
Global Climate & Ecological Emergency 2.0
PRICE 40.0

CPV Codes

  • 79540000 - Interpretation services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

In an open tendering procedure prior to any award being made the successful bidder must provide the undernoted certificates, declarations and/or completed questionnaires to evidence their compliance with the relevant questions within the Qualification Questionnaire. All certificates, declarations and questionnaires can be found within the Attachment area of PCS-T. Appendix A – Form of Tender; Appendix B – Freedom of Information; Appendix C – SUSTAIN Supply Chain Code of Conduct; Appendix E – PECOS Supplier Adoption Form; Appendix G - GDPR Assurance Assessment (Processor) Appendix N – Declaration of Conflict of Interest; Appendix O – Declaration of Non-Involvement of Human Trafficking; Appendix P – Declaration of Non-Involvement of Serious Organised Crime; Appendix Q – Prompt Payment Certificate; In the case of an open tender this information will not be required to be uploaded and submitted with the bid, but will instead be requested by the College following the conclusion of the evaluation of the Qualification, Technical and Commercial Questionnaires and prior to the award of the tender. Failure to provide this information or in the event that the information provided does not support or evidence the statements made within the Qualification Questionnaire, will invalidate any bid. In this scenario the College will seek to obtain the relevant information and evidence from the second highest scoring bidder and so on, and upon verification will award the contract to this bidder instead. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is project_25287 For more information see: The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 25844. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: City of Glasgow College is fully committed to incorporating Community Benefits through this procurement. Considerations to be given to how the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Glasgow could be improved both during the process and on an on-going basis. To this end, the Successful Bidder is encouraged to implement a range of initiatives to achieve the relevant improvements to include, but not limited to: Local employment, training and apprenticeships Bidders will make proposals around these as part of their tender submission and once agreed by City of Glasgow College, will become a contractual obligation for the Successful Bidder. (SC Ref:753828)

