Specification for DLS Front End X-ray Beam Position Monitor upgrade

A Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency (VEAT) Notice

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30 Jan 2024
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, Diamond is a leading-edge facility for science, engineering, and innovation. It is the largest science facility to be built in the UK for 40 years and produces ultra-violet, infra-red and X-ray beams of exceptional brightness. The Diamond machine is being upgraded (to Diamond-II) to increase the intensity of light available to users. This upgrade will increase the storage ring energy from 3.0 GeV to 3.5 GeV and several existing beamlines are receiving new insertion devices. Additionally, three entirely new flagship beamlines are proposed to be built. Diamond's front end X-ray Beam Position Monitors (XBPMs) are used to monitor the position of the incident white X-ray beam on most beamlines. They are capable of measuring the X-ray beam position with sub-micron resolution at bandwidths of 10 kHz. The upgrade includes the modification of Diamond's existing front end XBPMs. They must be modified to operate optimally with the improved X-ray source points and to withstand the increased white beam power loads expected from Diamond-II. New front end XBPMs will be purchased where required. To provide best value for money, the intention is to re-use as much existing equipment as possible. The scope of the contract is to: - develop a cost-effective upgrade plan in collaboration with Diamond. - state an upper bound on the acceptable intercepted power load per XBPM blade and demonstrate the validity of this upper bound e.g. using FEA modelling and/or operational data from previous installations. - modify existing Diamond XBPMs that require modification for use on Diamond-II. - produce new XBPMs for each of Diamond's new beamlines which are compatible with existing ones. - supply Diamond with drawings, modification and maintenance procedures, and spare components as may be required as part of the upgrade plan.

Total Quantity or Scope

Approximately 37 of Diamond's existing front end XBPMs will require upgrading. About 14 of these will only require a modification of the existing flange insert (new "blade holders" and potentially with some alteration to a copper aperture at the entrance to the XBPM); about 23 of these XBPMs will require entire new flange inserts, including new blade holders. Approximately 16 new XBPMs will need to be supplied (including support column, 2-axis motorised motion stage, vacuum vessel, vacuum bellows, and flange insert) to be compatible with the existing XBPM's. The contract is proposed to be divided up into 5 separate work packages (WPs). The proposed WPs are outlined below. • WP1, Planning phase: • WP2, Initial delivery of new XBPM flange inserts: • WP3, "Recycling" of existing XBPM flange inserts: • WP4, Final delivery of new XBPM flange inserts: • WP5, Delivery of complete new XBPMs

Award Detail

1 FMB Berlin (Berlin)
  • Specification for DLS Front End X-ray Beam Position Monitor upgrade
  • Value: £840,190
  • Contractor is an SME.

CPV Codes

  • 38582000 - X-ray inspection equipment


