Specialist Adults Support in Somerset - Dynamic Purchasing System

A Tender Notice

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Dps (Services)
not specified
23 Feb 2024
To 31 Mar 2029 (est.)
31 Mar 2029 00:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Somerset Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


Providers must apply for each individual service type subject to the criteria of each service type detailed in the individual specifications, as listed below; • Residential • Supported Living • Domiciliary Care • Day Opportunities and Community Outreach • Employment Support • Respite including Short Breaks

Lot Division

1 Residential
  • Value: £235M

2.1 Individuals eligible for Residential Care Services will be aged 18 years and over and have an assessed need that meets the National Minimum Eligibility Threshold and have been assessed as requiring 24-hour accommodation and support which is to be provided in the form of residential care services. The service described in the Specification will be available 24 hour per day, 365/6 days per year.

2 Supported Living
  • Value: £490M

Supported Living: (As per CQC Definition.) By supported living we mean schemes that provide personal care to people as part of the support that they need to live in their own homes. The personal care is provided under separate contractual arrangements to those for the person’s housing.

3 Domiciliary Care
  • Value: £98M

Domiciliary Care: As defined by CQC: By domiciliary care we mean care delivered to people living in single household accommodation that is owned or occupied by the person receiving care, and that occupation is entirely independent of the care arrangements (which remain at all times a visiting arrangement).

4 Day Opportunities and Community Outreach
  • Value: £98M

Day Opportunities and Community Outreach is defined as the provision of care and/or support and activities during the day and/or evening and/or weekend for the purpose of delivering outcomes specified in the Individual’s Care and Support Plan and/or to provide respite for an Individual’s carer. This could include offering a safe environment for a vulnerable person and/or a means of providing personal care.

5 Employment Support
  • Value: £10M

The Provider will deliver Employment Support using models such as Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model or British Association of Supported Employment (BASE). Models such as these use an evidence-based approach to employment support, which supports people to achieve sustained employment by taking a “place and train” approach.

6 Respite incl. Short Breaks
  • Value: £49M

Short Breaks: Individuals eligible for Short Breaks will be aged 18 years and over, who, or their Carer(s), have assessed needs which meet the National Minimum Eligibility Threshold and have been assessed as requiring a Short Break in order to support their current living arrangements and/or promote their independence and it is assessed that this break needs to be provided within a Respite care or short breaks environment.

Renewal Options

There is the option to extend the duration for up to a further 60 months.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

