DfE Invest NI - Leading Team Programme 2023 - 2028

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year (est.)
29 Feb 2024
To 28 Feb 2027 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers
Dfe Invest NI
Irish Management Institute Foras Bainistiochta Na H Eireann
Wilson Sloan Consulting
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


DfE Invest NI - Leading Team Programme Invest NI is seeking to engage an experienced Contractor(s) for the design, delivery and management of up to five cohorts of a new Leadership Team Programme with an anticipated start date January 2024. This tender has been divided into two Lots. Each Lot will be evaluated and awarded independently. There is no restrictions on the number of Lots a Tenderer can bid for or be awarded, Tenderers may bid for one, two or both Lots as they wish. LOT 1 - The Design, Management and Delivery of Executive Education Content Service - Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors to deliver a programme of Executive Education content. LOT 2 – The Design, Management and Delivery of a Business Coaching Service for Executive Teams - Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors to deliver a Business Coaching service to Executive Teams participating on the Leadership Team Programme. Please refer to Tender Documents for further details.

Lot Division

1 Lot 1
Award Criteria
Methodology – Proposed Programme Design and Delivery 24.0
Key Delivery Personnel Experience 15.2
Programme Director Experience 10.4
Social Value 10.4
Presentation session – testing design technique, facilitation, and skills 20.0
Total Contract Price 20.0
2 Lot 2
Award Criteria
Methodology: Programme Content and Coordination 28.0
Programme Director Experience 15.4
Key Delivery Personnel Experience 15.4
Social Value 11.2
Total Contract Price 30.0

Award Detail

1 Irish Management Institute Foras Bainistiochta Na H Eireann (None)
  • Lot 1
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 7
  • Value: £1,426,818
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Wilson Sloan Consulting (Belfast)
  • Lot 2
  • Reference: 2
  • Num offers: 7
  • Value: £940,200

Renewal Options

one option to extend up to a maximum of 24 months

CPV Codes

  • 80430000 - Adult-education services at university level
  • 80500000 - Training services
  • 80510000 - Specialist training services
  • 80511000 - Staff training services
  • 80520000 - Training facilities
  • 80521000 - Training programme services
  • 80532000 - Management training services
  • 80570000 - Personal development training services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The successful contractor’s performance on the contract will be regularly monitored. Contractors not delivering on contract requirements is a serious matter. It means the public purse is not getting what it is paying for. If a contractor fails to reach satisfactory levels of contract performance they will be given a specified time to improve. If, after the specified time, they still fail to reach satisfactory levels of contract performance, the matter will be escalated to senior management in CPD for further action. If this occurs and their performance still does not improve to satisfactory levels within the specified period, it may be regarded as an act of grave professional misconduct and they may be issued with a Certificate of Unsatisfactory Performance and the. contract may be terminated. The issue of a Certificate of Unsatisfactory Performance will result in the contractor being excluded from all procurement competitions being undertaken by Centres.. of Procurement Expertise on behalf of bodies covered by the Northern Ireland Procurement Policy for a period of twelve months from the date of issue of the certificate

