Housing Related Support services (23 070)

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
7 year (est.)
25 Mar 2024
To 25 Mar 2031 (est.)




Geochart for 3 buyers and 3 suppliers
Cheshire East Borough Council
Crewe YMCA
Honeycomb Charitable Services
Plus Dane Housing
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Cheshire East Council is seeking provider(s) to deliver a range of Housing Related Support services for local people who are homeless and in need of strength-based support to regain their independence. Cheshire East Council is flexible in its approach to service delivery, always seeking solutions that will offer quality and value for money and working with delivery partners who share our values and commitment to the success of the area. The Council is seeking partners to provide housing related support services split into 9 lots as detailed within the specification, including: • Dispersed, Housing-Led offer for single homelessness. • Intensive supported accommodation for singles and couples. • General needs supported accommodation, including families and young people. • Rapid Access emergency accommodation offer for rough sleepers. • Floating tenancy support to resettle and sustain at-risk accommodation. Interested providers should express an interest in the opportunity and download all of the documentation provided on the Chest system, any queries should be asked here via the messaging area of the project. New Contracts are required to start from 1st April 2024 lasting for a maximum of 7 years and it should be noted that TUPE may apply.

Lot Division

1 Housing-Led Program

The Housing-Led support services in Lot 1 will consist of self-contained housing with wraparound support included. The housing-led ideology relates to rapid provision of housing to clients who are experiencing multiple-exclusion homelessness (MEH). Including 9 units of housing, will not be split across the North and South of the borough and will be contacted as one singe lot. Expected lot value is £1,000,000 - £1,250,000 over the full 7 year term.

Award Criteria
Social Value 20.0
Interviews 10.0
Lot specific questions 60.0
PRICE 10.0
4 General Need Supported Accommodation (North)

Service users who have needs which can be met with visiting support to regain their independence to benefit from supported accommodation within the General Need Supported Accommodation pathway. 32 units of supported accommodation will be split across these North and South contracts, providing a range of provision for singles (including younger people), couples and families experiencing homelessness. Residents will average 22 weeks in service before moving on into more independent housing options following a period of high-quality, strength-based support work from the Provider(s). Lot specifications will outline the number and type of units required and the cohort of service users that will be accommodated. This Lot - 16 units. Expected lot value is £250,000 - £450,000 over the full 7 year term.

Award Criteria
Lot specific questions 60.0
Social value 20.0
Interview 10.0
PRICE 10.0
5 General Need Supported Accommodation (South)

Service users who have needs which can be met with visiting support to regain their independence to benefit from supported accommodation within the General Need Supported Accommodation pathway. 32 units of supported accommodation will be split across these North and South contracts, providing a range of provision for singles (including younger people), couples and families experiencing homelessness. Residents will average 22 weeks in service before moving on into more independent housing options following a period of high-quality, strength-based support work from the Provider(s). Lot specifications will outline the number and type of units required and the cohort of service users that will be accommodated. This Lot - 16 units. Expected lot value is £250,000 - £450,000 over the full 7 year term.

Award Criteria
Social Value 20.0
Lot specific questions 60.0
Interview 10.0
PRICE 10.0
9 Floating Support (South)

The aim of floating support services is to enable vulnerable people to sustain their accommodation and prevent homelessness. CEC Housing Related Support services will be delivered in two types of floating support for the North and South respectively: resettlement and sustainment services. Resettlement support will enable people moving into a new tenancy in the private or social rented sector to receive a period of assistance to help set up their new home, for instance after spending a period of time in Intensive Needs or General Needs Supported Accommodation, allowing the household to have confidence in maintaining their tenancy. Provider(s) will encourage and facilitate early-stage referrals to engage with service users before their tenancy is due to begin, building relationships, working collaboratively, and ensuring a smooth transition into their new home. Sustainment support provides support for an average of 24 weeks to people who are at risk of losing their tenancy and need support to prevent a breakdown in their housing. Eviction from private and social tenancies is a significant reason for homelessness presentations in Cheshire East. A key priority of the council is to deliver services which help people to avoid eviction and the significant impacts to wellbeing, future housing opportunities, and the potential impact and cost to public services. To support 52 units. Expected lot value is £750,000 - £950,000 over the full 7 year term

Award Criteria
Social Value 20.0
Lot specific questions 60.0
interview 10.0
PRICE 10.0

Award Detail

1 Crewe YMCA (Crewe)
  • Housing-Led Program
  • Reference: c1910
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £800,000.0-£1,250,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Honeycomb Charitable Services (Stoke on Trent)
  • Housing Related Support - General Need Supported Accommodation + Floating Support - South
  • Reference: c2627 including lot 9
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £850,000.0-£1,300,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
3 Plus Dane Housing (Liverpool)
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £250,000.0-£400,000

CPV Codes

  • 85300000 - Social work and related services
  • 70330000 - Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis
  • 98340000 - Accommodation and office services
  • 85310000 - Social work services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

