CPV Active - Maintenance and Safety Equipment Recertification (MSER)

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1.5 year
14 May 2024
10 Jun 2024 to 28 Jun 2024
26 Apr 2024 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Border Force (BF) is a Directorate of the Home Office. BF operate a fleet of six (6) Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV), all CPVs are equipped and certified to Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) MGN 280 Workboat Code of Practice, (HSVC) Category 2, for service in waters up to 60 nautical miles from a safe haven. The full package of works required is detailed in the attached Statement of Requirements (SoR) (CPV Active - MSER - SOR - v1.0) and Bidding Tool (BT) (CPV Active - Bidding Tool - v1.0). This opportunity will be let using the UK Government Short Form Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-short-form-contract). This package of works is to be undertaken in the following geographic area; 1. South coast of England from Plymouth to Ramsgate. Bidders are required to submit their quotes utilising the Bidding Tool (CPV Active - MSER - Bidding Tool - v1.0). The purpose of this notice is to make the SoR and BT available to, and invite, potential suppliers to confirm they can fully meet the requirements by providing a fully itemised bid for the complete and specified work package. This contract will be awarded following evaluation of bids based on a combination of Price (75%) and responses to Technical questions (25%). Compliant bids meeting all the criteria in the bid documents, available below, will be assessed on the Price offered and the quality of responses to five Technical questions. The Authority reserves the right to verify information provided by the preferred bidder ahead of awarding a contract. Therefore, the following timeline for this contract only is as follows; 1. 1700hrs, 19 April 2024 - deadline for clarification submission to the Buyer. 2. 1700hrs, 26 April 2024 - deadline for submission of bidding tool and specified documents and acceptances. 3. From 29 April 2024 - evaluation/moderation. 4. (On or around) 8 May 2024 - contract award. 5. 10 June 2024 - Contract Start; and 6. 28 June 2024 - Contract End. The Buyer reserves the right to change or withdraw this opportunity, for any reason, at any point, prior to contract award.

Award Detail

1 Berthon Boat (The Shipyard Lymington)
  • Value: £28,210

CPV Codes

  • 34500000 - Ships and boats
  • 34511100 - Marine patrol vessels


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Bidders are invited to submit compliant bids by email to; MaritimeProcurement@homeoffice.gov.uk no later than 1700hrs, 26 April 2024 quoting the procurement reference in the email subject line. Awarded Contract CPV Active- MSER - Berthon - Contract Signed both parties_Redacted.pdf

