Pre-market Engagement - Provision of Rough Sleeper Outreach Support and Southern Region, London Managed Stations

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
05 Jun 2024
not specified



London UK

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NR wishes to incentivise the market to engage with the opportunity and contribute innovation, experience and delivery capability to the delivery of this service. In line with NR’s procurement principles, NR is committed to becoming an ‘informed’ client with excellent visibility and understanding of the market and the supply chains and customers operating within them. At this stage, pre-procurement, NR are committed to engaging with the industry to inform and refine the overall sourcing strategy. The purpose of this soft market testing is to: • Understand the markets capacity and capability to deliver Rough Sleeping Outreach Support Services • Provide potential suppliers the opportunity to give feedback to help inform the refinement of NR’s approach, • Obtain information from the market to understand the market perspective, The responses to the market engagement event will be synthesised to identify key market themes, to be shared internally with key stakeholders, to both further inform the sourcing strategy and subsequent procurement process should it be commenced. This soft market testing is not itself a Call for Competition. NR does not commit itself to commencing any such sourcing process.

Total Quantity or Scope

Railway stations play a key role in the end-to-end passenger journey and customer experience. They are open long hours, are relatively warm and provide amenities. They are busy with staff and passengers and equipped with CCTV; they can feel like a safer place than the streets for those who have to sleep rough. Supporting individuals who come to our stations to seek respite is a key feature of our CP7 Social Value strategy to provide routes of out homelessness across the region. We have had a great deal of success with our CP6 strategy in this area and are keen to maintain and build on this in CP7. This will mean that those already working with us will continue to be supported to obtain and sustain accommodation, rather than returning to sleeping rough in and around the stations, and we can support additional people who our station staff encounter on a day-to-day basis. Network Rail are committed to putting people first and putting social value at the heart of what we do, to improve the overall experience for everyone who interacts with the railway. As part of Network Rail’s commitment to the Department for Transport’s Rough Sleeping on Rail Charter, which aims to address rough sleeping on the rail network, we wish to continue supporting people who sleep rough in and around major train stations and to empower our frontline employees to signpost individuals to the help they need. Rough sleeping management includes the provision of a dedicated support service for people sleeping rough in and around the Managed Stations and equipping the employees working within those station teams with the knowledge, tools and resources required to provide support. Suppliers will ideally utilise staff that have lived experience of rough sleeping and homelessness. We are considering a 3 +1+1+1 contract with an award to a single supplier. This sourcing strategy looks for the tenderers to define what the best value scope of services is for our London Managed Stations here in the Southern Region in line with the budget listed above. An online pre-market engagement event is scheduled for 20th June 2024 from 1100 - 1200. Interested parties should email to be added to the invite list. Suppliers can also self invite by registering at then searching the publish opportunities for 'Rough Sleeper Outreach' where you can also review further scope information and contract terms

CPV Codes

  • 85322000 - Community action programme
  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


Other Information

NR is not liable for any costs, fees, or expenses incurred by any party in replying to or attending any PIN event. Any procurement of any services, supplies or works by NR will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Procurement Regulation.All responses will be carefully considered but will not bind NR to any approach or strategy, To access the Soft Market Engagement document please go to our Bravo Site and select view current opportunities.

