Kent County Council is seeking to award 7 contracts for the delivery of Bikeability Training in schools across Kent.
Bikeability is the nationally approved Cycle training scheme, which is predominantly aimed at school children and offered in every local Council area across England.
The delivery of this training has, for many years, been subsidised by a Department for Transport (DfT) grant, which was allocated to local authorities and School sports partnerships (SGOs).
Bikeability, along with all other DfT Active Travel investment, is now part of the Active Travel England (ATE) portfolio.
ATE’s long term aim is for half of all journeys to towns and cities to be walked or cycled by 2030.
ATE remit, and direction, is clearly to support local councils in their active travel ambition and delivery, including training children and adults to cycle safely, and cycle more.
The lots are geographically grouped in different parts of Kent.
Generally, they contain schools, who were members of previous School sports partnerships and/or School Games organisers within Kent, and who were not receiving Bikeability training from KCC in recent years.
For a further breakdown of the different schools within in each lot, please refer to the tender documentation for this opportunity, which can be found on the Kent Business Portal.